The Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alaihi wa sallam)said,
"Whoever relieves a believer of a hardship from the hardships of this
world, then Allah will relieve him of a hardship from the hardships of
the Day of Resurrection… Allah is helping the servant as long as the
servant is helping his brother, " [Hadith Tirmidhi /Muslim].
Do you need help? Help others, and Allah will help you.
Helping others doesn't have to consist of anythinggrand. Even a smile
is sadaqah. Removing a harmful thing from the road is sadaqah.
Speaking gentle words to someone in distress, or feeding a meal to
someone who is hungry, or making a donation to help an orphan… or
donating blood, or working a few hours a month for a charity, or
visiting someone who is sick… all those things are valuable. They are
not nothing. Theyare important and worthwhile acts.
Changing the world starts with every person doing one small thing. And
in theprocess, you help your own soul, and you bring happiness to your
own heart, and you get the blessings and barakah of Allah. What a
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