Tuesday, August 7, 2012

He told his wife to make food for him during the day in Ramadan!

I have a daughter who is married and she and her husband came to stay
with us during the month of Ramadan. After we hadfasted for one week
of themonth, my daughter's husband went with his friends for an
excursion, and the shaytaan tempted them and they ate and drank during
the day in Ramadan. On the morning of the next day, my daughter's
husband asked her to make food for him but she refused. He swore that
he would divorce her if she did not make it, and she swore that she
would not make it. In order to get out of this situation, I asked my
son's wife to make food for him and she refused, but I forced her to
do it, so she made food for him reluctantly, and he sat and ate on his
own and none of us ate with him. Were we sinning in this case? What do
we have todo in order to expiate thissin?.

Praise be to Allaah.
There is no doubt that breaking the fast in Ramadan with no legitimate
excuse is a major sin and grave evil. If it is done because of an
excuse such as travelling -- which means a journey of approximately 70
or 80km, which is the distance that could be covered in one night on
mounts and on foot, which is what is called travelling -- there
isnothing wrong with breaking the fast in this case. But if one is at
homeor on the outskirts of the city, that is not called travelling and
breaking the fast in this case is a major sin. The one who helps the
person to break his fast shares with him inthe sin, because Allah, may
He be glorified, says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness
andpiety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression"
[al-Maa'idah 5:2].
The one who helps a person who breaks the fast in Ramadan without an
excuse, by offering himfood or coffee or tea or any other food or
drink is a sinner who is a partner in sin with the one who breaks the
fast, but his fast is still valid and is not invalidated by his
helping that person. But he is a sinner and he has to repent to Allah.
As you forced your daughter or your son's wife to make the food, you
have to repent to Allah. You did wrong by telling her to make food for
him. She did right by not obeying him, because there is no obedience
to acreated being if it involvesdisobedience towards the Creator. The
Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Obedience is
only in that which is right and proper." If her husband ordered her to
bring him food during the day in Ramadan, without any excuse that
would make it permissible for him to break the fast, such as sickness
or travelling, she has no right to help him to do that which Allah
hasforbidden, even if he gets angry or divorces her, because obedience
to Allah takes precedence over obedience to one's husband or father or
ruler,because the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)
said: "Obedience is only in that which is right and proper"; he also
said: "There is no obedience to any created being if it involves
disobedience towards Allah."
This man is not regarded as a traveller because he stayed with them
for a week and it seems that hehad decided to stay for more than four
days. This means that he was obliged to fast according to the correct
scholarly view, which is the view ofthe majority of scholars. As they
had decided to stay for more than four days with their in-laws, they
should have fasted with them. If the stay is four days or less, they
are not obliged to fast because they are travellers, but if they do
fast, there is nothing wrong with that. But as they intended to stay
with them for more than four days, what they should have done in this
case is fast, so as to avoid an area of scholarly disagreement and so
as tofollow the view of the majority, because the basic principle is
that one should fast in Ramadan, and there is some doubt as to whether
it was permissible to break the fast. End quote.
Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him)

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