Saturday, August 18, 2012

Eid Al-Fitr 2012: The day of reward for Muslims is finally here

As Allah (SWT) has promised unusually high reward for people who spend
on poor during thisholy month, Muslims also try their best to spend as
much as possible on the poor people of our society.
Their charity is not just limited to zakat, the obligatory 2.5 percent
that every well to do Muslim has to give as charity. Many Muslim
menand women spend on poor whatever they had saved during the year or
amajor part of it, thus helping other Muslims and non-Muslim brothers
and sisters.
After a few days, the dusk will not be the same. It will, God willing,
raise the curtain from the month ofRamadhan. With the advent of
Shawwal, we will celebrate one of the happiest days of our life, Eid
al-Fitr. Happy Eid al-Fitr, may Allah accept our acts of devotion and
prayers. Aameen
Just remember the blessings of the graceful month that passed. It all
started with the sighting of moon which bid adieu to the month of
Shabaan and welcomed Ramadhan. Now after a month of intense training
we have been assigned with a phenomenal task of purification of self
and development of talents. The task begins along with the celebration
of Eid. The process of purification and development requires both
individual and collective efforts and inter-personal and
intra-personal efforts in order to make the entire humanity beneficial
with what we have been bestowed.
Generally the way one celebrates his festival or any happy occasion
reflects the tradition and culture he follows. The traditional values,
in turn, reveal the basic teachings of that particular religion. The
religion of Fitr (original nature) – Islam – taught us to rejoice with
Allah in view; celebration is absolutely incomplete ifAllah is not
remembered. If He is born in mind, the festivity limits to the extent
of joy, never allows a person to transgress. The people around find a
true way of expressing joy; they neverget hurt with the behavioral
attitude of the persons engaged in celebration.
The way we have been ordained to celebrate the event has 'remembrance
of Allah' at its nucleus. Obviously every beneficialthing is a favour
of Allah as the Qur'ān mentions (An-Nahl: 53). Allah has showered the
moments of happiness; without His remembrance the celebration lacks
luster. The hearts should be filledwith complementary feelings and the
tongue must acknowledge the words of appreciation. Prophet Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allah be to him) has taught us to say Takbeer
(glorification) while on the way to the prayer ground (Eidgah):
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La ilaha ill-lal-lah. Allahu Akbar, Allahu
Akbar. Wa-lilahill hamd.
Allah is great, Allah is great. There is no God but Allah. Allah is
great, Allah is great. And all praises beto Allah.
Offering of Salaatul Eid in congregation in an open place is highly
preferable except in case of bad weather like rains. Usage of two
separate routes to and from Eidgah is also favoured as it sends a
lively message to the carriers and viewers alike. One should try to
accompany as many persons of his family as hecan, not only men and
children but women too. What Umme Atiyah (may Allah be pleased with
her)reported actually communicates the true spirit of such a
celebration. She said: "TheMessenger of Allah (peace and blessings of
Allah be to him) ordained us to bring out on Eid al-Fitr and Eid
al-Adha, young women, Hijab-observing adult women and the menstruating
women. The menstruating womenstayed out of actual Salaatbut
participated in good deeds and Dua (supplication)." (Muslim)
One should leave his home along with his family members and
neighbours, march towards Eidgah collectively proclaiming the
Greatness of the Almighty Allah.
After offering prayers, meeting with relatives and friends, both
Muslims and non-Muslims and greeting them with good words is also

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