Thursday, August 9, 2012

4b] Suggested program for the Muslim during Ramadaan

This program is just a suggestion. It is a flexible schedule that each
personcan adapt to his own circumstances.
This program pays attention to the Sunnahs that are proven from the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). It does not mean
that everything mentioned here is an obligatory duty, rather it
includes many things thatare Sunnah and mustahabb.
The most beloved of actions to Allaah are thosewhich are continuous
even if they are little. At the beginning of the month a person may be
keen to do acts of worship, then he may slow down. Beware of that, and
strive to persist in all the actions that you do in this blessed
The Muslim should strive to organize his time in this blessed month so
that he will not miss out on a great opportunity to do more good and
righteous deeds. For example, a person should try to buy all the
things that the family needs before the month begins, and he should
buy day-to-day needs at timeswhen the stores are not crowded, and
visits to friends and family should be organized in such a way that
they do not distract from acts of worship.
Make doing lots of acts of worship and drawing closer to Allaah your
priority in this blessed month.
Resolve at the beginning of the month to go to the mosque early at the
timesof prayer, and to complete the Book of Allaah, and to regularly
pray qiyaam al-layl in thisgreat month, and to spend (in charity) what
you can of your wealth.
Make the most of the opportunity that the month of Ramadaan brings to
strengthen your connection to the Book of Allaah, by utilizing the
following means:
Read the verses correctly.The way to do that is to have your reading
corrected by someone who knows how to read well. If you cannot do
that, then by listening to tapes of expert readers.
Revise what Allaah has enabled you to memorize,and memorize some more.
Read the tafseer (commentary) on the verses, either by looking up the
verses you do not understand in reliable books of tafseer such as
Tafseer al-Baghawi and Tafseer Ibn Katheer and Tafseer al-Sa'di, or by
making a program to reada book of tafseer. Start first with the
thirtieth Juz'(section) of the Qur'aan, then mover on to the
twenty-ninth juz', and so on.
Strive to apply the commands that you read in the Book of Allaah.
We ask Allaah to perfect for us the blessing of Ramadaan, and to help
usfast and pray qiyaam throughout the whole month, and to accept
(these acts of worship) from us, and to forgive us for our

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