Thursday, August 2, 2012

2e] How the Salaf Observed Ramadhan A Message to Every Muslim On the Occasion of this Blessed Month

so he would take his lunch along with him (to work) but donate it to
charity on the way. When he returned at night, he would break his fast
with the family and they did not know that he was fasting."
Sufyan Al-Thawri said,"The servant of Allah would do his deeds
secretly, and the devil would persist in tempting him until he
convinces himto do it openly. The devil would then continue to insist
until the person wants to be thanked for the deed. So, it will be
converted from a deed done openly to one done for showing off."
Amusement During Ramadan:
Dear brothers and sisters, Ithink I have prolonged myadmonition to you
to seizethis opportunity. I have taken some of your time, but let us
look together at a very critical phenomenon that we all fall into,
especially during Ramadan. It is the phenomenon of wasting time and
spending it in ways other than obedience to Allah. This indeed means a
lack of awareness and amounts toturning away from the Mercy and Bounty
of Allah Who says,
"But whosoever turns away from My Message, Verily for him is a life
narrowed down, and We shall raise Him up blind on the Day of Judgment.
He will say, 'My Lord, why have You raised me up blind while I had
sight (before)?' Allah will say, 'Thus did you, when our signs came
upon you, forget them; So will you be this day forgotten. And thus do
we recompense him who transgresses and believes not in the signs ofhis
Lord. And the chastisement of the Hereafter is far more grievous and
enduring." [Qur'an 20:124-127]. One feels so much pain in his heart
and is so much dismayed to find Muslim youth filling the sidewalks and
playgrounds during the most virtuous nights of Ramadan.
How so many are the sins and forbidden acts committed during the
nights of Ramadan! Yes, the Muslim must be truly concerned about the
manner in which Muslims spend their time. He must also be disturbed to
find Muslim youth spending their time in ways that arenot pleasing to
Allah. But do not worry. The path to your happiness and that ofyour
Muslim brothers is to call them to apply Islamic teachings (i.e. doing
da 'wah) and to make supplications for them. Yes, da 'wah to those
Muslims who have becomeunaware of their Islamic duties, and guiding
them to the Straight Path. Also, make supplications for them in their
absence that Allah may accept it from you and that they do not become
among those deprived of guidance./

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