Wednesday, August 8, 2012

2] Ramadan 2012, The 20th Day

Satan is your enemy so treat him as an enemy. He summons his party so
theywill be among the people of the Searing Blaze. (SurahFatir, 6)
"There are two impulses inthe soul, one from an angel which calls
towards good and confirms truth; whoever finds this let him know it is
from Allah and praise Him. Another impulse comes from the enemy which
leads to doubt and denies truth and forbids good; whoeverfinds this,
let him seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil." Then he recited
the verse: "The devil shows you fear of poverty and enjoins evil upon
you." (Tirmidhi)
But people avoid praying because they depict it as very difficult and
because satan puts pressure on them. But prayer is in fact comfortable
and simple. We must pray in a relaxed manner, as our Prophet (saas)
prayed. Allah says He wants things to be easyfor us, not difficult. It
is satan and his trickery that makes prayer impossible to perform with
complicated nonsense and superstition added on afterward. Ritual
cleansingis easy. You must wash your hands, arms and feet, and wet
your head, and when you wet your ears and neck you will feel
veryrelaxed. They have invented lots of complicated details so people
do not pray at all. So satan foolishly thinks he has won.
Satan is the Most Dangerous Enemy to Man. However it is Very Easy ForA
Muslim to Neutralize the Satan
If we tell someone;"Somewhere, there is a person who is harboring a
grave enmity towards you.There is nothing that he wouldn't do to give
you the biggest harm one can ever give. He is a master inevery form of
trickery, lie, games and deceitfulness. And he would not leave you
alone until he can harm you the way he wants," how would one react?
Would it be possible for him to only say "Okay" and go on withhis life
without taking any precautions against that enemy and not be
interested at all?
Of course the answer to that question is a "No". Every person, the
minute he becomes aware of such an enemy, would pay a great attention
to this matter.
However, man has a much more dangerous and ravenous enemy than any
other man harboring a grave enmity against him. This enemy is the
"satan". And the satan is man's biggest and most determined enemy
ever existed on Earth.
That is because there is an"end" that satan aims for aman. This end is
his entering to the "endless Hell". It is not possible for the satan
to leave man alone until he gets this result. This is a definitive law
of Allah, He revealed inthe Qur'an:
...And do not follow in the footsteps of satan. He trulyis an
outright enemy to you. ( Surat al-Baqara, 168)
I will lead them astray and fill them with false hopes. I will
command them and they will cut off cattle's ears. I will command them
and they will change Allah's creation.' Anyone who takes satan as his
protector in place of Allah has clearly lost everything. (Surat
an-Nisa, 119)
In the Qur'an Allah tells man to "treat satan as an enemy" , in the
face the satan being an enemy to mankind. In that case manshould obey
this commandof Allah –for the approval of Allah- and make neutralizing
the satan, a prioritized aim for him.
Satan is a big enemy for man. However Allah madeit very easy for man
to be saved from the evils of thesatan. In the Qur'an Allah revealed
many secrets to show man the way for that. Some of those secretsare as
Satan has no authority over those who believe and put their trust in
their Lord. Satan only has authority over those who take him as a
friend and associate others with Allah. (Surat an-Nahl, 99-100)
Only the fact that man –by the leave of Allah- knows these secrets
Allah revealed in the Qur'an is enough for him to neutralize his
biggest enemy, the satan, promptly and conclusively.If man lives
without forgetting that there is no power other than Allah; that
neither the satan, nor man has any power and do not ascribe any
partners to Allah, no matter from which aspect satan approaches him,
he will take no result and willnot be able to give any harm to man.
If man –under any circumstances whatsoever-is determined to put his
trust in Allah; and do not forget that Allah creates everything on a
destiny with goodness and wisdom and that man can only act as Allah
preordained in destiny, satan will never be effective on him. Upon the
evil impulse of the satan, ifa man seeks refuge in Allah and thinks
with the verses of the Qur'an –by the leave of Allah- that evilimpulse
will be removed and satan will never be effective on that person.:->

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