Monday, August 27, 2012

1d] Why did the Imâms Differ?

the Messenger of Allâh say:
‘The wind is form the spirit(rûh) of Allâh. It comes with mercy and it comes with punishment. So if yousee it, then do not revile it.But (instead) ask Allâh for the good of it and seek refuge in Allâh from the evil of it.’
And it is a hasan sahîh hadîth as has been stated by Al-Hâfidh Ibn Hajr (ra).”
13. Reported by Al-Bukhari, Abu Dawûd, Ibn Mâjah and An-Nasâ’î from Ibn ‘Abbâs (ra)
14. An agreed upon hadîth(i.e. reported by Al-Bukhârîand Muslim).
15. Al-Albânî said:
“Ahmad and Muslim reported it from the hadîthof ‘Alî. And Ahmad, Abu Dawûd and At-Tirmidhî reported it form the hadîthof Khuzaimah Ibn Thâbit. And it has been reported from the hadîth of Safwân Ibn ‘Assâl(ra)by An-Nasâ’î, At-Tirmidhî and Ibn Khuzaimah, and the last two authenticated it. Ad-Dâraqutnî reported it and authenticated it, as did Ibn Khuzaimah from the hadîth of Abu Bakrah. These ahâdîth provide evidence for the time period of wiping over the footwear, which is one dayand one night for the resident and three days and three nights for the traveler.
At-Tirmidhî said: ‘This is the opinion of the scholarsfrom the Companions of the Prophet (saw) as well as those that came after them from the Fuqahâ.’”
16.The compilers of the Sunans reported this and At-Tirmidhî, Ibn Hibbân, Al-Hâkim and others authenticated it. It is from the hadîth of Furai’ah Bint Mâlik. See Al-Musnad (6/370).
17. Reported by Ahmad in Al-Musnad (1/100 & 104)
18. Al-Albânî said:
“Ahmad, Abu Dawûd, At-Tirmidhî and Ibn Mâjah reported that Abu Bakr heard the Messenger of Allâh(swt)say:
‘There is no person that commits a sin, then performs ablution and perfects his ablution. Then he prays two raka’ahs and thereafter asks Allâh for forgiveness, except that Allâh will forgive him.’
Then he(saw) recited this ayah:
'And those who when they commit evil acts or they wrong themselves, remember Allâh and ask forgiveness for their sins.And who forgives sins, except Allâh. And they donot persist on what they do, while knowingly. These are the ones whose reward will be forgiveness from their Lord and gardens under which rivers flow, to abide therein forever. And how great is the reward of those who do (good) deeds.'’ [Surah آli‘Imrân 135-136]
Al-Hâfidh Ibn Hajr said thatthis hadîth has a good chain of narration.”
19. Reported by Al-Bukhârî, Muslim, Abu Dawûd and Ibn Mâjah withclose and similar wordings.
20. Reported by Imâm Ahmad and the compilers of the Sunans. At-Tirmidhî authenticated it. And her husband was Hilâl Ibn Murrah Al-Ashja’î./ - - - :-> Transtors: 1. 2.

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