And our Messenger sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam said, "Beware of
(ghuluww) exceeding the limits in the Religion. Because those who came
before you were destroyedby their exceeding the limits in their
So when Allah¹s Messenger, sallAllahu alaihiwa sallam, has made it
clear to us that there is in the matter of a persons taking suhoor ,
latitude and a margin of ease, to the extent that he said, "If one of
you hears the call to Prayer whilst the vessel is in his hand, then
let him not put it down until he has completed his need from it."
So it is opposition to Allah and to the Messenger that a person says
that one who hears the adhaan whilst he has food in his mouth must
spit it out upon the ground. This is not from the Sunnah . Rather this
is contrary to the Sunnah , and is contrary to the clear command of
the Messenger, sallAllahu alaihiwa sallam . And I have been asked many
times, soI will not leave the need for such a question, but rather I
will precede you init, by stating that this hadeeth is to be found in
some of the most famous books of the Sunnah . Fromthem being the Sunan
of Aboo Daawood, and it is the third book from the well-known six
books. Thefirst of which is Saheehul-Bukhaaree , the second being
Saheeh Muslim , and the third being the Sunan of Aboo Daawood.
This hadeeth is to be foundin it, and it is likewise reported by Aboo
Abdullaah al-Haakim in his Mustadrak , and it is likewise reported by
the Imaam, the Imaam of the Sunnah Ahmad ibn Hanbal, rahimahullaah ,
in his tremendous book known as the Musnad of Imaam Ahmad. So the
hadeth is not a strange hadeeth , rather it is a well-known hadeeth ,
and was reported by the Imaams ofthe sunnah in the early times, and
with an authentic chain of narration.
So here I say, to conclude this talk, since perhaps some of you have
questions, which we will answer if Allah wills, so I conclude it with
his, sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam, saying "Allah loves that
Hisallowances be acted upon just as He loves that His prescribed
duties be carried out," and in one narration, "Just as He hatesthat
disobedience to Him be committed."
So there are two narrations, "Allah loves that His allowances be acted
upon just as He lovesthat His prescribed duties be carried out" , and
the second narration is, "as He hates that disobedience to Him be
So therefore the Muslim should not practice false piety, and (as a
result) refrain from obeying the Prophet, sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam,
in that which he encouraged us upon and clarified to us.
And what has been said is sufficient, and all praise is for Allah, the
Lord of all of the creation."/<alhamdulillaah>
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