Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1b] Sunnahs Neglected in Ramadhan

But these time-tables are based upon astronomical calculations which
count the land as being a single flat plane. So they give a time for
this flat plain, whereas the reality is that the land, particularly in
this land of ours varies, varying between the depression of valleys
and the elevation of mountains. So it is not correct that a single
time be given which covers the shore, the plains and the mountains.
No, each part of the land has its own time. So therefore whoever is
able in his place of residence, in his city or his village, to see the
sun set with his own eye, then whatever time it sets at, then that is
the hastening that we have been commanded with in his, sallAllahu
alaihi wa sallam, saying, which we just mentioned, "My Ummah will
continue to be upon good as long as they hasten to break the fast." So
the Prophet sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam, was careful to implement this
Sunnah by teaching it, and by putting it into practice.
As for his teaching, then he, sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam, said, in
the hadeeth reported by al-Bukharee in his Saheeh (no. 1954), "If the
night appears from this side," and he pointed towards the east , "and
the day has departed from here," and he pointed towards the west ,
"and the sun has set,then the Fasting persons fast is broken."
What does, 'the Fasting persons fast is broken' mean? It means he has
entered under the ruling that he should break his fast. So then comes
the previous ruling where the Messenger, sallAllahu alaihiwa sallam,
encouraged hastening to break the Fast, and the Messenger, sallAllahu
alaihi wa sallam, used to implement this, even when he was riding on a
So it is reported in the Saheeh of al-Bukharee (no.1955) that the
Prophet, sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam, ordered one of his Companions to
preparethe Iftaar for him. So he replied, O Messenger of Allah it is
still daytime before us.¹ Meaning: the light of the sun, so even
though it had set, yet its light was still clear in the west. So the
Messenger, sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam, did not respond to what he had
said, rather he re-emphasised the command to him to prepare the Iftaar
. So the narrator of the hadeeth who said, "We could see daylight in
front of us (meaning: the light of day, the light of the sun) when we
broke our fast," said, "Ifone of us had climbed onto his camel he
would have seen the sun." The sun had set from their location, and the
Messenger, sallAllahu alaihiwa sallam, ordered one of the Companions
to prepare the Iftaar . Why? To hasten upon good "My Ummah will
continue upon good for as long as they hasten to break the Fast."
So what is important is that we notice that the Iftaar which is
legislated tobe hastened must be donewith a few dates. Then wemust
hasten to perform the Prayer. Then after this the people can sit and
eat as they need.
This is the first matter which I wanted to remind of, and it is how to
reconcile the two matters which the Prophet, sallAllahu alaihi wa
sallam, commanded we should hasten to perform. The first being the
command to hasten the breaking of the Fast, and the second being the
command to hasten to perform the Maghrib Prayer. So the Iftaar should
be done with some dates, as occurs in the Sunnah , and if dates are
not available, then with some gulps of water. Then the Prayer should
pray in congregation in the mosque. Then the other matter which I want
to remind of is what occurs in the previous hadeeth, " And they delay
the pre-dawn meal " Meaning: what is required here is the opposite to
the case of the Iftaar . So he, sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam,
commanded us to hasten to perform the Iftaar . But as for the Suhoor
, then it should be delayed. But what happens today is totally
contrary to this, since many people eat their Suhoor before the
appearance of Fajr by perhaps an hour. This is not befitting. This
is contrary to the Sunnah shown by the saying of the Prophet,
sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam, and by his practice. So the Companions
of the Prophet, sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam, used to leave the Suhoor
so late, that one of them would almosthear the Adhaan and he would
still be eating. He delayed the Suhoor .
Indeed there is an authentic hadeeth reported from the Prophet,
sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam, which shows the ease afforded by Islaam,
which is to be counted as one of the principles of Islaam, which the
Muslims are proud of, especially with regard to the matter of Fasting,
since Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, concluded the aayahs concerning
Fasting with His Saying:
Allah desires ease for you, and He does not desire to make things
difficult for you.

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