Thursday, August 30, 2012

1b] The Persecution in Burma Stems, Not from Buddhists, but from the Darwinist Mindset

Let us unite in order to put an end to the oppression stemming from the corruption of Darwinism
If we want an end to the strife on Earth, the sole precondition is the scientific elimination of Darwinism, the intellectual idea behind these perverse ideologies.And the way to intellectually eradicate Darwinism is to discuss and show the scientific proofs revealing the invalidity of the theory of evolution everywhere possible. Activities such ashanding out books, opening exhibitions, writing articles, opening web sites, holding conferences and radio andtelevision programs are highly important in terms of giving people this information. Indeed, the positive effects of such activities are already spreading very rapidly and people have begun toaccept the fact that evolution is the worst scientific fraud of all time.
To issue one final reminder, the whole Islamic world has a responsibility to ensure that all mankind achieves peace and security. The Islamic world has an obligation to be united in order to rescue those people living in pain and suffering in East Turkestan, Burma, Pathani, Iraq, Afghanistan,Palestine and many other places, and to bring abouta permanent solution. A Turkish-Islamic world thatis united and acts as brothers in a spirit of solidarity will never face any such problems. It will guarantee that not just Muslims, but also Christians, Jews, Buddhistsand even the irreligious and atheist can live in security, wealth, peace and joy/ - - - :-> Transtors: 1. 2.

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