Saturday, August 25, 2012

1a] Islam: The most rapidly expanding religion in Europe

religious awareness among Muslims. According to a survey conducted by
the French newspaper Le Monde in October 2001, compared to data
collected in 1994, many Muslims continue toperform their prayers, go
to the mosque, and fast. This awareness is seen much more among
university students.(3)
In a report based upon the foreign press in 1999, the Turkish Aktüel
magazine stated that Western researchers estimate that in another 50
years Europe will become one of Islam's main centers of expansion.
Islam Is an Inseparable Part of Europe
Along with this sociological and demographic research, wealso must not
forget that Europe has not become acquainted with Islam only recently,
but that Islam is actually an inseparable part of Europe.
Europe and the realm of Islam have had close relations with each other
for centuries. First, the state of Andalusia (756-1492) on the
IberianPeninsula, and later the Crusades (1095-1291) andthe Ottoman
capture of the Balkans (1389), brought about a constant interrelation
between the two societies. Many historians and sociologistsassert
today that Islam was the leading cause of Europe's movement from the
darkness of its Middle Ages to the brilliance of its Renaissance. At a
time when Europe was backward in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, and
many other fields, Muslims possessed a vast treasure of knowledge and
great possibilities of development.
Uniting on a Common Ground: "Monotheism"
The growth of Islam is also reflected in the recent growth of
interfaith dialogue. These dialogues start by stating that the three
monotheistic religions have a common beginning and can come together
at a common point. Such dialogues have been quite successful and have
engendered an important rapprochement, especiallybetween Christians
and Muslims. In the Qur'an, God informs us that Muslims invite the
People of the Book (Christians and Jews) to unite on a common ground:
Say: "O People of the Book, come to a proposition that is the same for
us and you-that we should worship none but God, and not associate any
partners with Him, and not take one another as lords besides God." If
they turn away, say:"Bear witness that we are Muslims." (Qur'an, 3:
The three monotheistic religions have common beliefs and the same
moral values. Belief in God's Existence and Unity, angels, Prophets,
the Last Day, Heaven and Hell are their basic tenets of faith.
Furthermore, self-sacrifice,humility, love, tolerance, respect, mercy,
honesty, avoiding wrongdoing andinjustice, and acting according to
conscience are all commonly accepted moral qualities. Therefore, since
these three religions are on the same level, they must work together
to eradicate the strife, conflict, and pain caused by irreligious
ideologies. When considered from this point of view, interfaith
dialogue assumes far more importance. The seminars and conferences
that bring representatives of these religions together, and the
messages of peace and brotherhood that come out of them, have
continued regularly since the mid-1990s.
The Glad Tidings of a Holy Age
When all the facts are brought together, they reveal that there is a
strong movement towardIslam in many countries, and that Islam is
increasingly becoming themost important topic of world interest. These
developments indicate that the world is moving toward a totally new
era, one in which, God willing, Islam will gain in importance and the
Qur'an's moral teachings will spread like a rising tide. It is
important to realize that this highly significant development was
announced in the Qur'an 14 centuries ago:
They desire to extinguish God's Light with their mouths. But God
refuses to do other than perfect His Light, even though the
unbelievers detest it. It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance
and the True Religion to exalt it over every other religion, even
though the idolaters detest it. (Qur'an, 9:32-33)
The spread of Islamic morality is one of God's promises to believers.
In addition to these verses, many sayings of our Prophet, may God
bless him and grant him peace, assert that the Qur'an's moral
teachings will prevail. In the last days before the end of the world,
humanity will experience a period in which wrongdoing, injustice,
deceit, fraud, wars, strife, conflict, and moral degeneration is
wide-spread. Then will come the Golden Age, in which these moral
teachings will begin to spread among people likea rising tide and
finally prevail throughout the world. Some of these sayings, as well
learned commentaries upon them,are given below:
During this [period], my ummah [people] would lead such a comfortable
and carefree life which they never led like that. [The land] would
bring forth its yield and would not hold back anything and the
property at that time would be a stack. :->

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