Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1a] IMAM TIRMIZI (R.A) 209 A.H. – 279 A.H.

Imaam Tirmizi (R.A.) had a large number of students from all over the
world. The most famous amongstthem were Haysam ibn Kulaib (R.A.), Abul
Abbaas (R.A.) and Muhammed ibn Ahmed (R.A.) Shah Abdul Aziz (R.A.)
describes ImaamTirmizi (R.A.) in the following words: "His memory was
unique and his piety and fear of Allah Ta'la was of a very high
caliber. He would cry so much out of the fear of Allah, that towards
the end of his life he lost his sight."
According to Ibn Taimiya (R.A.) and Shah Waliullah (R.A.), Imaam
Timizi (R.A.) was an independent Jurist (Mujtahid). Hazrat
MoulanaAnwar Shah Kashmiri (R.A.)is of the opinion that he was a
In the year 279 A.H. in a village called Bawag at theripe age of 70 ,
Imaam Tirmizi (R.A.) left this temporary abode for the ever lasting
life of the hereafter. May Allah Ta'ala fill his Qabar with Noor.
Aameen. The enormity of his sacrifices and the extent to which he
served Deen can never be fully comprehended./

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