Thursday, August 16, 2012

1a] If she is afraid that it will be found out that she has become Muslim,how should she pray?

And Maalik narrated from Naafi' that Ibn 'Umar said: If the fear is
greater than that, they may pray walking, standing on their feet, or
riding, facing the qiblah orotherwise. Naafi' said: I donot think that
Ibn 'Umar narrated it from anyone but the Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him). End quote.
Indeed the fuqaha' have stated that the prisoner orthe one who is
afraid thathis being Muslim will be discovered should still pray.
Ibn Qudaamah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Mughni (2/140):
If he flees from an enemy in a permissiblesense, or he flees from a
flood or wild animal or fire, and he cannot escapeit except by
fleeing, then he may pray in the manner that is permitted in the case
of extreme fear, whether he fears for himself or his property or his
family. If a prisoner fears for his life if he prays, or if someone is
hiding in a place, then they should pray howeverthey are able to. This
was stated by Ahmad with regard to the prisoner. If the one who is
hiding is sitting and cannot stand, or he is lying down and cannot
stand up or move, then he should pray according to his situation. This
is the view of Muhammad ibn al-Hasan. Al-Shaafa'i said: He shouldpray
and repeat it (later on), but this is not correct,because the one who
is afraid should pray according to what he is able to do, and he does
not have to repeat it, as isalso the case for one who is fleeing. It
makes no difference whether one is travelling or not, because what
makes it permissibleis fear of death, and that is the same in both
Whenever he can find a refuge to do his prayer, such as if the one who
is fleeing from a flood can climb to a high place and the one who
fears an enemy can enter a fortress where he will be safe from the
enemy's attack and from harm, then he should pray therethen come out,
and he does not have the right tooffer the prayer of extreme fear,
because that is only permitted in cases of necessity, so it is only to
be done when necessary. End quote.
To sum up: this girl has tooffer the five prayers, and it is not
permissible for her to omit any of them. But she may perform the
prayer in whatever way she can, which includes offering the prayer of
extreme fear if necessary.
And Allaah knows best./

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