1]Happiness is a common goal that everyone strives to attain.
Philosophers, intellectuals, doctors and artists alike have all
strived in search of the causes of happiness and ways to escape
The reality is, however, that the proposed solutions achieve only
partial or superficial happiness. They are more or less like drugs
which only provide temporary relief; when their effect wares off,
anxieties return two fold.
The following words inviteyou to ultimate happiness and will lead you
to true success. But before you begin reading, I hope that you take a
moment to try to open your heart and mind - as the intelligent one is
he who searches for the truth no matter where it lies.
An undeniable reality is that permanent happiness cannot be achieved
except by believing in God - The Creator - and following Hisguidance.
Since it is He who created mankind, He is the one who knows what
pleases and benefits them, just as he knows what saddens and harms
them. A number of psychologists have affirmed that only a religious
person lives with true content and serenity. So if believing in God
leadsto ultimate happiness, then how can this be achieved?
There are numerous religions and a variety of creeds. However, their
critical differences in core issues make it impossible for all of them
to be correct. So which is the correct religion? What is the correct
creed that God requires us to believe in and in the end pleases Him?
And which one of these creeds guarantees ushappiness in this life and
in the hereafter?
Before answering these questions, a criterion must first be
established to be used as a basis for correctly determining the true
religion. I firmly believe that all sensible people will agree that a
religion is not deemed correct simply due to the fact that one was
raised in that religion, had parents that adhered to it, or lived in a
society that practiced it. Rather a religion's accuracy and
authenticity are based upon substantialevidence and firm intellectual
proofs. Intellect, the distinguishing factor between mankind and
animals, must be applied when studying the issue ofreligion, which is
undeniably the most important and gravest of all matters.
A short journey into the world of religions and sifting through
various creeds could prove to be a good method in arriving atthe
desired conclusion. In order to save you the timeand effort, I say
with full conviction and confidence that no matter how much you
investigate this issue, you will only arrive at one reality: that the
true and correct religion is Islam and that true happiness and content
lies within it.
Before you hastily rebut this statement and stop reading, please
realize thatcompleting the rest would not harm you at all, and it may
in fact benefit you. Also, remember that you have an intellect by
which you can distinguish things and determine truth from falsehood.
Why Islam?
This is an important question, indicating that the questioner is
mature and enlightened. In response I say:
Islam is a religion that includes a number of merits and
characteristics that are absent from otherreligions. These
characteristics, alone, serveas convincing evidence that Islam is the
true religion of God. You can determine the authenticityof this
statement by contemplating them.
Islam's many merits and characteristics make it impossible to
elaborate onall of them. However, some of the most important can be
summarized as follows:
1. Amongst the greatest merits of Islam is that it fulfills the
spiritual aspects of the human being and enables those who embrace it
to have an ongoing connection with God. This makes it possiblefor them
to be at ease spiritually. It shields them from chaos, being lost or
feeling (spiritually) empty, and protects from mental instability.
2. Another of Islam's meritsis that it coincides totally with common
sense. All of the Islamic legislation and its rulings are acceptable
intellectually and are never contradictory. One man who embraced Islam
was asked why he did so and replied, "Islam never ordered me to do
anythingthat I later wished wasn't obligated, and it never forbade me
from anything that I later wished wasn't forbidden."
Much of what is readily accepted in other religions causes great
confusion. This confusion makes it difficult to believe many ofthe
fundamental tenets/doctrines that thesereligions are based upon. On
the other hand, we findthat Islam respects the intellect, prohibits
ignorance, and condemns blind following.
3. Islam is an all-inclusive way of life attending to both spiritual
and physical needs. Practicing Islam does not mean that one has to be
secluded or that he is prohibited from the finer things in life.
Rather, according to Islam, a person can be religious and still enjoy
a normal life -
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