Friday, July 27, 2012

What would you do in the following case?

During a battle in the wayof Allah (swt), sayyedina Ali, found himself face to face with a kafir who attacked him violently. They were both brave andpowerful men, but the kafir was no match for sayyedina Ali, who soon was sitting astride his chest, ready to finish him off.
"I invite you to bear witness that there is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah," said Ali. "Accept Islam, and your life will be spared."
"Never!" panted the kafir.
Sayyidina Ali lifted his sword and was just aboutto plunge it into his enemy, when the kafir spat defiantly in his face.
Much to the kafir's surprise, sayyidina Ali immediately jumped away from his enemy andlowered his sword.
"Go away!" said sayyidina Ali, "I cannot kill you now."
"Why did you do that?" asked the kafir. "You could have killed me easily."
"I was fighting you purelyin the way of Allah," replied Ali, "but when youspat in my face, your insult made me angry andif I had killed you in anger, it would have taken me to the Hell Fire -so I had no choice but to let you go. To kill someone in anger or out of desire for revenge is not bravery, but the act ofa coward."
On hearing this, the kafir was so impressed by sayyidina Ali's sincerity and self-control that he embraced Islam on the spot: "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,"he said, "and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"
May Allah give us sincerityand clean our hearts./ - - - :-> Transtors: 1. 2.