Saturday, July 21, 2012

The amazing feet - detail at :->

I have heard the following story from an Islamic Scholar. Hopefully,
it will be beneficial for all of us.
When a child is born, he or she usually gets some characteristics and
features from his or her parents or from other family members from the
past. For example, our eyes, ears, nose or some other organs of the
body may resemble that of our parents or forefathers. There was a
group of people in Arabia who had the knowledge of this particular
science, that is they could tell who the baby resembles. When Prophet
Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) was still a baby, his
grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, took him to his lap and was greeting
those who came for Pilgrimage (Hajj). That specific group of people
was also present and while going around the Kabah they would stare
atthe feet of young ProphetMuhammad (SAW). After going around few
times, they came to Abdul Muttalib and said that they have never seen
any other baby whose feet resemble the feet of Prophet Ibrahim (AS).
Onlythe feet of young ProphetMuhammad (SAW) resemble them. The
footprint of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) is preserved and placed beside

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