Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The Spiritual Aspect
The Qur'an provides clear-cut evidence that woman iscompletely equated
withman in the sight of God interms of her rights and
responsibilities. The Qur'anstates:
"Every soul will be (held) in pledge for its deeds" (Qur'an 74:38). It
also states:
...So their Lord accepted their prayers, (saying): I will not suffer
to be lost the work of any of you whether male or female. You proceed
one from another ...(Qur'an 3: 195).
Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily to
him will We give a new life that is good andpure, and We will bestow
on such their reward according to the their actions. (Qur'an 16:97,
see also 4:124).
Woman according to the Qur'an is not blamed for Adam's first mistake.
Both were jointly wrong in theirdisobedience to God, both repented,
and both were forgiven. (Qur'an 2:36, 7:20 - 24). In one verse in fact
(20:121), Adam specifically, was blamed.
In terms of religious obligations, such as the Daily Prayers, Fasting,
Poor-due, and Pilgrimage, woman is no different from man. In some
cases indeed, woman has certainadvantages over man. For example, the
woman is exempted from the daily prayers and from fasting during her
menstrual periods and forty days after childbirth. She is also
exempted from fasting during her pregnancy and when she is nursing her
baby if there is any threat to her health or her baby's.If the missed
fasting is obligatory (during the month of Ramadan), she can make up
for the missed days whenever shecan. She does not have to make up for
the prayers missed for any of the above reasons. Although women can
and did go into the mosque during the days of the prophet and
thereafter attendance et the Friday congregational prayers is optional
for them while it is mandatory for men (on Friday).
This is clearly a tender touch of the Islamic teachings for they are
considerate of the fact thata woman may be nursing her baby or caring
for him,and thus may be unable togo out to the mosque at the time of
the prayers. They also take into account the physiological and
psychological changes associated with her natural female functions.
The Social Aspect
a) As a child and an adolescent
Despite the social acceptance of female infanticide among some Arabian
tribes, the Qur'an forbade this custom, and considered it a crime like
any other murder.
"And when the female (infant) buried alive - is questioned, for what
crimeshe was killed." (Qur'an 81:8-9).
Criticizing the attitudes of such parents who reject their female
children, the Qur'an states:
When news is brought to one of them, of (the Birth of) a female
(child), his facedarkens and he is filled with inward grief! With
shame does he hide himself from his people because of the bad news he
has had! Shall he retain her on (sufferance) and contempt, or bury her
in the dust? Ah! What an evil (choice) they decide on? (Qur'an 16:
Far from saving the girl's life so that she may later suffer injustice
and inequality, Islam requires kind and just treatment forher. Among
the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (P.) inthis regard are the following:
Whosoever has a daughterand he does not bury her alive, does not
insult her, and does not favor his son over her, God will enter him
into Paradise. (Ibn Hanbal, No. 1957).
Whosoever supports two daughters till they mature,he and I will come
in the day of judgment as this (and he pointed with his two fingers
held together).
A similar Hadeeth deals in like manner with one who supports two
sisters. (Ibn-Hanbal, No. 2104).
The right of females to seek knowledge is not different from that of
males. Prophet Muhammad (P.) said:
"Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim". (AlBayhaqi). Muslim
as used here including both males and females.
b) As a wife:
The Qur'an clearly indicates that marriage is sharing between the two
halves of the society, and that its objectives, beside perpetuating
human life, are emotional well-being and spiritual harmony. Its bases
are love and mercy.
Among the most impressive verses in the Qur'an about marriage is the following.
"And among His signs is this: That He created mates for you from
yourselves that you may find rest, peace of mind in them, and He
ordained between you love and mercy. Lo, herein indeed are signs for
people who reflect." (Qur'an 30:2 1).
According to Islamic Law, women cannot be forced to marry anyone
without their consent.
Ibn Abbas reported that a girl came to the Messengerof God, Muhammad
(P.), and she reported that her father had forced her to marry without
her consent. The Messenger of God gave her the choice . . .(between
accepting the marriage or invalidating it). (Ibn Hanbal No. 2469)

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