Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Shame on us

A pupil of Ali (RA) says:"Once Ali (RA) led people in Fajr Salaat. At
the end he turned his face to the right and sat there facing the
people till sunrise. He looked cast down. At last, he turned the palms
of hishands up as a gesture of regret and spoke to the people thus:
'By Allah! I have been an associate of the Sahabah (companions) of
Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam, it's a pitythat nowadays I find
men who do not resemble them in any respect. When the Sahabah (RA) got
up in the morning, they looked disheveled, pale in face and covered
with dust. During the night they would prostrate before Allah Ta'ala
or stand in devotion reciting from theHoly Qur'an. They would spend
the whole night standing. When tired theywould lean to the right
orleft for respite, shifting the weight of their bodiesfrom one leg to
the other.When they recited lines glorifying Allah, they swayed in
ecstasy, as the trees do, when the wind passes through them. Andthey
wept (for fear or loveof Allah Ta'ala) shedding tears so profusely
that their clothes would become wet. Alas! men of today, spend their
nights in utter heedlessness."
From the book "Fadhail-e-Sadaqaa Part II", Translated by Prof. Abdul Karim.
What would Ali (RA) say if he saw our condition today?

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