Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Secrets intended for believers alone are hidden in the Qur’an

When we read the Qur'an we see that the most fundamental matters that
Muslims have to know and understand are set out quite explicitly.
Allah describes His creation in the Qur'an. He describes satan,
reveals what is lawful and unlawful and tells us of the lives of the
prophets. It is revealed how the life of this world is a test and how
our true homes are inthe Hereafter. Paradise and Hell are described in
the Qur'an and people are warned against the torments in the latter.
In addition to all these basic issues, the Qur'an also contains
special signs that Allah has deliberately concealed in it for
believers. Through these signs, our Lord tells believers how they
shouldbehave toward deniers, the best way of preaching the word and
what they must do if the moral values of the Qur'an are torule the
world. These signsare only, of course, comprehensible to those
servants who can look at the Qur'an with the eyes of the heart and
good conscience, who can grasp the radiance and message of the Qur'an,
and with whom Allah is well pleased. This is just one of the hundreds
of miracles of the Qur'an.
Our Almighty Lord Makes Science Obligatory for Believers in the Qur'an
The presence in the Qur'anof scientific and mathematical miracles is
itself a miracle that confirms the sublime nature of the Qur'an, its
miraculous aspect and the fact that it is a divine scripture. But in
addition to that specific miracle, when we look at the verses of the
Qur'an we see that Allah makes science obligatory for believers. Allah
advises believers to reflect on the extraordinary creation they
witness and to learn the knowledge of the creation of the Earth and
sky. In Surah Al 'Imran our Lord says:
Those who remember Allah, standing, sitting and lying on their sides,
and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the Earth: "Our Lord,
You have not created this for nothing. Glory beto You! So safeguard us
from the punishment of the Fire." (Surah Al 'Imran, 191)
Scientific development and progress proves the sublime and
extraordinarynature of Allah's creation in the most perfect way. The
more that people of good conscience possessed of this knowledge deepen
in science, the more amazed they are by Allah's sublimeartistry. Just
a single cell, the glorious DNA within a single cell or a single
protein is enough to see the power and might of Allah. Almighty Allah
is powerful enough to createworlds within worlds, to create all things
from nothing, and gloriously shows His sublime omniscience by creating
atoms in tiny specks of space and making atoms, which themselves
consist of 99% empty space, the natural causes of matter itself.
Almighty Allah is powerful enough to bring the Earth and sky into
being through a single explosion, out of nothing, out of emptiness.
Almighty Allah reveals thissublime creation, the Big Bang miracle in
other words, in this verse:
As for heaven – We built it with great power and gave it its vast
expanse. (Surat adh-Dhariyat, 47)
Almighty Allah has made scienceessential for Muslims in order for them
to comprehend andsee His matchlessartistry and the glories in the
entities He creates. Those who deepen in science with the knowledge of
the Qur'an will also grow in faith since they will witness His
omniscience. Allah tells us in another verse:
But those of them who are firmly rooted in knowledge, and the
believers, believe in what has been sent down to you and what was sent
down before you: those who establishprayer and pay alms, and believe
in Allah and the Last Day – We will pay such people an immense wage.
(Surat an-Nisa', 162)
For that reason, Allah advises true Muslims to learn and research the
scientific facts and to become aware of what is all around them:
Have they not looked at the sky above them: how We structured it and
made it beautiful and how there are no fissures in it? And the
Earth: how We stretched it out and cast firmly embedded mountains onto
it and caused luxuriant plants of every kind to grow in it, an
instruction and a reminder for every penitent human being. (Surah Qaf,
Have they not looked at the camel – how it was created? And at the sky
–how it was raised up? And at the mountains – how they were embedded?
And at the Earth – how it was smoothed out? So remind them! You are
only a reminder. (Surat al-Ghashiyya, 17-21)
Do they not see the things Allah has created, casting their shadows
tothe right and to the left, prostrating themselves before Allah in
complete humility? (Surat an-Nahl,48)

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