Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Righteous Beggar

The following incident took place in Dhaka which is the capital city
of Bangladesh.
There was a beggar in the city who used to beg beside a Masjid on
Fridays after Jumah prayer. Begging was permissible for him due to his
adverse condition. Though he was a beggar, he would pay attention to
the sermons that were delivered duringthe Khutbah. One such sermons
was about the importance of earning halal income. He learnt that
supplications (dua) will not be accepted from those people whose
income are from forbiddensources. He immediately decided to accept
money from only those individuals that he knew had halal income. His
dailyearnings decreased as a result but he was committed to his
Then came a day when the beggar died. Eventhough he lived as a beggar,
his funeral was like that of a king. Many dignitaries of the area
attended his funeral because they knew of thatgreat sacrifice he used
to make daily in order to keep up with the commandment of Almighty
Dear readers, we too should sincerely adopt thecommandments of Allah
inour lives regardless of our social status. In this way, Allah will
elevate us in thisworld and in the hereafter.

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