Friday, July 27, 2012

Ramadan: the Way to Attainment

“Fasting during Ramadan is a unique opportunity to attain both peace of mind and heart,” says Imam Gayth Nur Kashif, Director of Washington, DC’s inner city Masjid ash-Shura.
Imam Kashif, who came to Islam by way of the Black Muslim movement and was an editor of the movement’s Muhammad Speaks newspaper and a contemporary of Malcolm X, explains: “During Ramadan one concentrateson rendering good and abstaining from the wrong. Such a pursuit creates peaceful serenity inthe hearts of men and women. Ramadan fasting cannot be complete and infact, the fast can be invalidated if one fails to control his or her temper. The fasting persons are advised to refrain from argument and to inform the other party that they cannot continue the troublesome dialogue because they are engaged in the sublime obligation of fasting. Without doubt afull month of such restraint is destined to leave its mark upon our bodies and souls.”
The fasting during Ramadan that requires certain restraints from dawn to dusk, the hours when the human interaction is the greatest, is designed to mould the lives of its practitioners.
Dr. Molook Roghanizad, a member of the Curriculum Advisory Committee of theFairfax County School Board in Virginia and an educational consultant, says, “Ramadan fasting offers an opportunity for Tazkiyah , - the cleansing of the self - through its disciplinary regimen. And on another level, Ramadanoffers a unique opportunity for synthesizing with the less fortunate.”
She points out that the tazkiyah aspect is clearly emphasized by Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam) who, according to Ka’b ibn Malik,said:
“Two hungry wolves sent against a herd of sheep will not do more damage to it than a man’s eagerness for wealth and prestige does to his religion.” [Cited in Ahmad, al-Tirmidhi and Abu Yahya]
“The Quran,” she adds, “started to be revealed during Ramadan and it is recommended that during this month we concentrateon the reading of the Quran. Why? This is because during this month, we are less involved with physical needs and have a better opportunity of understanding the Message – the Quran, that is. Therefore there is a better chance of understanding the truth and reaching that spiritual elevation that we all desire.” This state of ‘special elevation’, she is says comes when we elevate ourselves through understanding the true message. “The moment you have reached the absolute truth is your Lailut ul Qadr, the Night of Power,” she stresses.
She says that the real attainment of Qadr for ordinary beings is not a physical act, nothing sort of pulling a spiritual rabbitout of a hat, but in reality that indescribable momentwhen all things become clear to you and this moment of truth is worth one thousand months, more than a lifetime. Considering the ambience of spirituality, there is a chance that is other worldly experience of a person, the Qadr, may occur in Ramadan. The Qur’an says: “But those willprosper who purify themselves and glorify of their Guardian-Lord and (lift their hearts) in Prayer.” (87:14-15)
Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, 95, the eminent scholar and translator of the Quran into French, in his monograph Why Fast? (Centre Culturale Islamique, Wilkes Barre, PA) discusses the physical aspect of fasting. He likens fasting to the break from the ordinary to sleeping and to the weekend breaks in work and school.He points out that just as sleep renovates the body, the fast rejuvenates and invigorates the body, noting that Prophet Muhammad said, “There is a tax on everything, the tax of the body being the fast.”
What is fasting does to a Muslim is perhaps best explained by Jim Quraishi, who wrote in an internet religion forum, “I am muchmore forgiving and accepting of my coworkers. I am more liable to overlook their frailties and petty jealousies. I'm like a man who knows that at the end of the day there is a pot of gold that awaits him.”
Islam does order withdrawal nor asceticism,however those who desirecan undertake itikaf, that is to confine oneself to a secluded corner of a mosque – women can select a corner at home - during the last ten days of Ramadan to devote their full-time to prayer and remembrance of God. The itikaf experience can be likened to a retreat in a secluded camp. Ibn `Umar said, "The Messenger of Allah [Prophet Muhammad] used to seclude himself for the lastten days of the month of Ramadan."
Dr. Alija Izetbekovic, former President of Bosnia,(Islam Between East & West, American Trust Publications, p. 210) says: “The Islamic fast which is the union of asceticism and joy – and even pleasure in certain cases – is the most natural and ...
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