Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Prophet's simple life

One of the Ansar (indigenous people of Madinah) once prepared food and
sent it to the home of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (radhi Allahu 'anh). When
Ali and Fatimah sat down,Fatimah remembered her father, the Prophet of
Allah, and said, "This is such nice food, I wonder ifmy father has
eaten his dinner." Ali immediately went to invite him (salla Allahu
'alayhi wa sallam) over to their home for dinner. Rasul Allah
happilyaccepted the invitation and accompanied Ali home. As he entered
the house, he saw that Fatimah (radhi Allahu 'anha) had decorated the
house with expensive curtains. He immediately turned around and left.
Aliapproached him and asked, "Why are you upset, O Rasul Allah? What
have we done?" He calmly answered, "It is not permitted for a
Messenger of Allah to enter a house which has extravagant
Something to consider: If the Prophet were to visit YOUR home today,
would he feel comfortable and welcome entering it?

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