Monday, July 16, 2012

The Natural Beauty of Paradise

"What is the example [i.e.,description] of Paradise promised to the
righteouslike? It has rivers flowing under it, and its foodstuffsand
cool shade never fail. That is the final fate of those who have done
their duty. But the final fate of the disbelievers is the Fire."
(Surat ar-Ra'd, 35)
Natural beauty and greenery are among Paradise's wonderful blessings.
Mansions built in gardens, right next to springs, are another beauty.
Paradise, in whichthere is "neither burning sun nor bitter cold"
(Surat al-Insan, 13), has such a pleasant climate that no one is made
uncomfortable. It containsno exhausting sweaty heat or freezing cold.
In Paradise, Allah will admit believers into "cool, refreshing shade"
(Surat an-Nisa', 57)
The expression"refreshing shade," along with revealing that the
climate will be comfortable and just as a person would want it, points
out that Paradise's environment and conditions have been designed to
give the human spirit true satiety and comfort. Every thing and
condition in Paradise will be just as a believer desires.
One of the natural beauties most mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an is
that of "outpouring water" (Surat al-Waqi'a, 31).
As we observe in this earthly life, the human spirit derives great
pleasure from water, especially flowing water. Lakes, rivers,
waterfalls, and streams flowing in a forest all speak to the human
spirit. All artificial pools and fountains in mansions, residences,
estates, and villa gardens, as well as artificial and natural streams,
arise from this longing for the spiritual aesthetic.
The main reason why these esthetic views are so pleasurable is because
the human spirit has beencreated for Paradise. These beauties are
described elsewhere, as follows:
In them [two other Gardens] are two gushing springs. (Surat ar-Rahman,66)
The sight and sound of flowing water comfort and gladden the human
heart. The sight and sound of water falling from above give pleasure
and are a means wherebypeople can give thanks to Allah and praise His
name.Especially if the water flows in the hills, among trees and
greenery or runs over stones, it is a really impressive sight. It
either collects in the placewhere it falls, or forms pools and flows
from one place to another. Continually flowing wateris a sign of
endless and inexhaustible plenty.
As we learn in Surat al-Hijr, 45: "The heedful will be amid Gardens
and Springs." Another verse reads: "The heedful will be in shady nooks
by springs" (Surat al-Mursalat, 41)
The "shady nooks" may be special spaces created so that believers can
sit and observe all of this beauty. (Allah knows best)As with
mansions, these shady nooks also are placed in high places so that the
people in Paradise can view the beauty below and see its many details.
Shady nooks offer special pleasure to believers. For example, people
are served various kinds of food and fruits there, come together there
and hold pleasurable conversations, and enjoy themselves there. Their
being placed next to springs, spaces that give pleasure to the human
soul, adds to their attractiveness. From thesesprings flow delicious
Another natural beauty is the gardens. For example, the "lush Meadows
of the Gardens" mentioned Suratash-Shura, 22 have been prepared only
for believers. One of their particular features is the harmony of
natural beauty contained therein. Within them grow a never-ending
variety of plants, similar to the mostdelicate and sweet-smelling ones
on Earth, and several species of animals, both known and unknown to
The gardens are adorned with various fruit and other types of trees,
plains of "deep viridian green" (Surat ar-Rahman, 64) plants and
flowers, and, in some places, poolsand fountains. Surat al-Waqi'a also
mentions"fruit-laden lote-trees with thorns removed" and "[banana]
trees layered [with fruit]" (28-29)....

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