Friday, July 27, 2012

Miscellaneous Issues Related to Dua

Making dua for others
You can make dua for Others. The Prophet, sala Allahu alaihi wa salam, said “Whenever you make a supplication for another believer and he is not present, an angel will say ‘and same to you.’” One of the ethics when making dua to others is that, if youare going to make dua to yourself and others, start with yourself first, then you make dua to others. But if you are going to make dua for others only, then you don’t have to mention yourself first. An example of starting with one’s self is seen is the verse, “And those who came after them say, ‘Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who were before us in the faith…’” (59:10)
Wiping the face after making dua
It was never narrated that the Messanger of Allah, sala Allahu alaihi wa salam, wiped his honorable face during Salah, such as in Witr. If itis after Salah, the scholars of Hadith have differed in the Authenticity of the Hadiths regarding this issue, the correct opinion, inshallah, is that they are all inauthentic. Therefore it is better not to wipe the face after making dua. (There is a detailed research by the MuhaddithSheikh Bakr Abu Zaid about this issue). And Allahknows best.
Making dua against oneself
Don’t make Dua’a against yourself or against your children.
The Prophet, sala Allahu alaihi wa salam, said, “Don’t make dua against yourselves. Don’t make dua against your children. Don’t make dua against your maids. And don’t make dua against your wealth. It might be in a time in which Allah answers the prayers.” (Authentic, Abu Dauood)
Dua for victory
When ye sought help of your Lord and He answered you (saying): I will help you with a thousand of the angels, rank on rank. Allah appointed it only as good tidings, and that your hearts thereby might be atrest. Victory cometh only by the help of Allah. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Wise. (8:9-10)
It’s from the Sunnah to make dua for the Muslims all over the world, especially in the month of victory, the month of Ramadhan. The Prophet, sala Allahu alaihi wa salam, made dua at the night before the Battle of Badr, which took place in the month of Ramadhan, until his upper garment fell. By dawn, he came with the glad tiding from Allah, tala, to the believers,concerning their enemies, “Their multitude will be put to flight, and they will show their backs. Nay but the Hour is their appointedtime, and the Hour will be more grievous and more bitter.” (54:45-46)
Supplication of the Prophet, sala Allahu alaihi wa salam
The prophet, sala Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said that: “Every messenger has a Supplication that will be accepted, and I have savedmy Supplication as a Shafaa Intersession for my Nation on the Day of Judgment.”
May Allah make us among those who follow and emulate His Prophet, sala Allahu alaihi wa salam, till they receive his intersession on the Day of Judgment. We beg Allah, tala, that He forgives the ones who wrote this article, and forgives the Muslims among their parents. May He benefit the readers, and guide them to the path of His beloved. We ask Allah by His most beautiful names to show mercy to those who spread guidance and stand together upon the truth. Ameen.
Subhanaka Allahumma wabehamdik. Ash’hadu a’laa ilaha illa Annt. Astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk./ - - - :-> Transtors: 1. 2.

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