Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kind words shine like the moon

Mus'ab ibn Umayr was thefirst of ambassador of Rasul Allah in Madinah.
Before Rasul Allah had arrived in Madinah, Mus'ab taught ahl
al-Madinah about Islam and they began to enter the Deen.
This enraged Sa'd ibn 'Ubaadah, one of the chieftains of Madinah. He
sheathed his sword and set off for the head of Mus'ab ibn 'Umayr. When
he confronted Mus'ab he threatened, "Stop this nonsense you speak or
you shall find yourself dead!"
Mus'ab replied in the way that should be a lesson for us all. This man
before him did not stop at rudeness and ignorance, he wanted to slit
his throat.
Mus'ab said, "Shall you not sit and listen for a fewmoments. If you
agree with what I say then take it, and if not, we shall desist from
this talk." Sa'd sat down.
Mus'ab spoke about Allah and His messenger until the face of Sa'd ibn
Ubaadah's face shone like a full moon and he said,"What should a
person dowho wishes to enter into this Deen?" After Mus'ab had told
him he said,"There is a man, if he accepts this Deen, there shall be
no home in Madinah that will not become Muslim. Sa'd ibn Mu'aadh."
When Sa'd ibn Mu'aadh heard what was happening, he was infuriated. He
left his home to go and kill this man called Mus'ab ibn Umayr for the
dissention he had caused. He enteredupon Mus'ab and announced, "You
shall desist of this religion you speak of or you shall find yourself
Mus'ab replied, "Shall you not sit and listen for a fewmoments. If you
agree with what I say then take it, and if not, I shall desist from
this talk." Sa'd sat.
Mus'ab spoke about Allah and His messenger until the face of Sa'd ibn
Mu'aadh's face shone like a full moon and he said,"What should a
person dowho wishes to enter into this Deen?"
Look at what a kind word did. Sa'd ibn Mu'aadh went home to his
Madinan tribe that night and announced to them all, "Everything of
yours isHaram upon me until you all enter into Islam."
That night, every home in Madinah went to bed with Laa ilaaha illa Allah.

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