Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to Safeguard the Islam of Newly Reverted Sister

I would like to thank the founders and the workers on this web site
because it helped me and is still helping me a lot.
I embraced Islam three years ago (Al-hamdulillah), and fromthat time
on I worked to convince my family members and my close friends to
submit to it.
My little sister (15 years old) who was watching me for the past three
years grew in her belief and eventually uttered the Shahada (testimony
offaith) one week ago ( Al-hamdulillah).
Now my concern is, how can I protect her faith; how can I help her to
strengthen it?
I feel she might lose her faith any time because the environment we
are living in encourages people to go astray. In addition to that, my
parents still don't know about her conversion, I'm sure that if they
knew they would not be pleased with it and they would try to get her
back to Judaism.
Please, I need your advice,I really don't know how to deal with this situation.
Praise be to Allaah.
From that which makes a Muslim happy is his seeing people enter into
the true religion of Allah, the Exalted and leaving their false and
distorted religions. We'd like to congratulate you on having been
chosen by Allah for Islam and then for being granted the ability to
call towards the guidance which resulted in the Islam of your sister
and her being saved from the wrath and punishment of Allah. This takes
our minds back to the glorious companion, Abdullah ibn Salam, who was
a Jew and who entered Islam and perfected his Islam. We ask Allah, the
Exalted, to keep you and your sister firm and to grant you the
strength and ability to attain beneficial knowledge and work righteous
From that which we advise you to do with your sister who entered Islam
in order to help keep her firmly upon the religions is the following:
1. Encourage her to recite and to listen to Quran a great deal. It
would be nice if you couldassist in selecting recitations of recitors
whose voices are pleasingto the listeners.
2. Make available to hersmall but highly beneficialIslamic books
which contain simplified Islamic rulings and the biographies of great
Islamic scholars and leaders. It would be preferred if they contained
biographies of female scholars, callers and warriors.
3. Make every effort to keep her away from bad company, especially
thosefriends which she had before Islam and who hadan impact on her
due to their strong personalities or gentleness. Be gentle while doing
this so as not to turn her away from you and have her more attached to
her friends.
4. Make easily accessible to her touching audio materials which
talk about Islamic issues and the fate of man after death and the
5. Encourage her to regularly praise and thankAllah, the Exalted,
for the blessing of guidance. Through gratitude, blessings last and
every slave requires of his Lord, the Exalted, to assist him,
strengthen him and keep him firm upon his religion.
6. Encourage her to pray regularly and on time while giving the
prayer its due by carrying out its necessary and compulsory actions in
the best manner and urge herto supplicate abundantly during the
7. Be sure to tell her notto reveal her reversion to Islam to her
family at this time out of fear that they will influence her
negatively and cause her harm in her religion. See the answers to the
two questions 33827 and 69752 .
8. The fact that you were able to influence herand she accepted
Islam after observing you shows that she respects you and has love for
you. Therefore, try to be her best friend and the rock she can lean
on. Try your best to give her all the moral support you can; continue
being a good example for her, let her talk to you and share her
thoughts with you and lether feel that you are therefor her whenever
she needs you. Insha Allah your companionship and support will be a
positive influence on her.
9. It goes without saying that perhaps one of the most effective
means (if not the most effective) is for you to regularly and
consistently supplicate to Allah (du'aa) for her. Everything is in
Allah's Hands and He is the One Who controls the hearts, therefore,
implore Him to keep your sister firm upon the truth.
10. Gently try to help yoursister find a new set of friends who will
be supportive and act as good role models.
We ask Allah to keep you both firm upon His religion and to grant you
success in pleasing Him. Thank you for taking the time to benefit from
our site.
May Allah grant you beneficial knowledge and the ability to act according to it.

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