Sunday, July 15, 2012


One of the companions of the Prophet (sallAllahu ályhi wasallam said:
'The people as long as theyare in good health, good shape, good
condition they are covered. You don't know their true character
because they arein good situation, they are in good circumstance. As
long as they are in a good circumstances they are covered. But if a
trial or difficulty or a hardship comes upon them, then you will see
their reality. They will go to their reality. The Mu'min will run to
his Imaan, the Mu'min will run to his belief, the believer will runto
his belief, his Imaan andthe hypocrite will run to his hypocrisy, and
the hypocrite will run to his hypocrisy. "Without being shaken, you
don't not know what comes to the top and what goes to the bottom.
Without being shaken you don't know a man from those who are faking;
you won't know women from those who are faking. You won't know those
who truly believe from those who don't. Those who make a claim o­n
their tongue andis not really in their hearts and from their limbs
from those who are willing to die for this matter. This can o­nly be
shown by trials, the tribulations and tests and difficulties."
Imam Ahmed brought it and Sheikh Nassir brings inhis Saheehah No. 147
: Suhaib said that,
'We were sitting with the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhiwa sallam) and
suddenly he laughed. Suddenly the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhiwa
sallam) laughed. He asked his companions: 'Won't you ask me what I am
laughing about?.' So they asked the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam) 'what are you laughing about ?' So he said : 'I laughed
because I was astonished at the affair of a believer.' (Listen these
are words of Musthafa alaihi salam. He doesn't speak of his own
desires whatever he speaks it is revelation; Listen, these are words
of Rasulullah describing a believer.).
All of his affairs, all of his circumstances are good, allof it. If
something happensto him that he loves, if Allah blesses him with
something that he loves, then he praises Allaah and this is good. And
if something happens to him, if he is put into some difficulty, test
or tribulation or hardship or something that he hates, he is patient
and that is good for him. And no o­ne's situation is totally good
except the believer. And no o­ne else's affair, no o­ne else's
circumstance, no o­ne else's condition, no o­ne else's situation is
totally good except the mu'min, except the believer.'

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