Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fragrance from a grave

A group of learned scholars were travelling through some villages of
Pakistan. They reached a particular village where some people came up
to them and requested themto visit a grave yard. Uponreaching the
graveyard, they smelt a beautiful fragrance coming out from one of the
newly dug graves. The villagers asked the scholars if they knew why
this smell is eminating from that particular grave. The scholars
decided to meet some family members of that person who died to find
out what he used to do. After meeting them, they discovered that the
man didn't know how to read the Quran. However, after every Fajr
salah, he would sit with the Quran and put his fingers on verses and
say "My Lord has spoken the truth here.My Lord has spoken the truth
here." Then the scholars concluded that the beautiful fragrance is
coming out because of this deed of that man. Source: This story was
narrated to me by Shaikh Mahmud Abdi from Yemen who personally knows
one of the scholarswho were travelling.
May Allah also give us the ability to read and love the Holy Quran. Ameen.

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