Saturday, July 14, 2012

Comments about two people

Sahl ibne Sa'd (RA) narrates: Once a person passed by Rasulullah
(SAW), (and) he asked someone sitting with him:What do you think of
the passerby? He replied: He is among the respected ofthe society; and
by Allah! If he proposes to a woman, he will be married; should he
recommend something, his recommendation will be accepted. Rasulullah
(SAW) kept his peace (silence). Then, another person passed by, and
Rasulullah (SAW) asked (the man sitting with him,again): What is your
opinion about this man? He answered: O Rasulullah! He is a poor
ofMuslims. If he proposes (for marriage), it will not be accepted;
should he recommend (something), his recommendation will be rejected;
and if he speaks, nobody will pay heed. Rasulullah (SAW) said: This
man (the poor Muslim) is better than a whole world (full) of the like
of that (the first one). Source: Sahih Bukhari.
We must love and respectthe poor ones of this ummah and we should
never look down upon them. During this month of Ramadan, let us all
remember how much sufferings they go through everyday.

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