Saturday, July 21, 2012

Buy a kingdom for aglass of water

Once Sheikh Ibne Sammak(may Allah have mercy onhim) paid a visit to a
king.It so chanced that, when the Sheikh greeted him, the king was
holding a glass of water in his hand.He said to the Sheikh,"Give me a
word of advice." The Sheikh said,"Suppose you could have this glass of
water only at the cost of your entire kingdom and you have to choose
between dying of thirst or giving your kingdom away, which onewould
you prefer?" The king replied, "I would naturally prefer a glass of
water and part with my entire kingdom." The Sheikh said, "Then, I do
not understand why anyone should take joy in a kingdom which is
worthonly a glass of water."
Source: "Fadhail-e-Sadaqaa Part II", translated by Prof. Abdul Karim.
These incidents show thateach one of us has been granted by Allah such
precious gifts, the value whereof cannot be determined in terms of
millions and billions of dollars.

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