Saturday, July 7, 2012

Benefits Of Grapefruit Enzyme

Grapefruit is a subtropical fruit which is rich in enzymes and forms
the basis of many well planned diets. The health benefits of enzymes
have been widely studied and understood. Enzymes are asolution for
many health disorders and can be found as tablets, syrups and capsules
in the market. They are usually recommended if blood tests have shown
the deficiency of a particular enzyme and must be taken in the dose
suggested by a doctor. This will prevent any side effect and make the
enzyme work optimally. Grapefruit has most famously been used as part
of many weight loss diets and to assist in improved metabolism.
Thebenefits that can be obtained by using grapefruit enzyme on a
regular basis are describedbelow.
Uses And Functions Of Grapefruit Enzyme
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* For Healthy Digestion- The most important function of fruit enzymes
is that they promote healthy digestion by replacing the enzymes in the
digestive juices, secreted by the body. In certain cases, the output
of enzymes may not be sufficient as the glands may be blocked by a
cancerous growth or a part of the stomach surgically removed. This is
when the grapefruit enzymes are very helpful as they aid in the
digestion of food and convert them into their constituent simple
molecules. They are also known to improve the function of the pancreas
which will directly have a positive impact on the process of
digestion. Grapefruit is a rich source of a substance called pectin
which is a type of dietary fiber and helps maintain good bowel
* An Antioxidant- The enzymes along with the antioxidant lycopene, can
help boost immune system substantially. This is one of the many goals
of enzyme therapy that has made it so popular. The pink and red
grapefruit have more of this helpful component when compared to the
ones that have a white flesh. The enzyme extractscan also help in
better absorption of the large amounts of vitamin C present in the
fruit. This is a very important vitamin, essential to build resistance
to common coldand other infections.
* Anti Aging- The enzymeshave many anti aging properties that can
prevent the damage to the DNA from pollutants such as cigarette smoke
and carbon in the environment. For this reason, a glass of homemade
grapefruit juice is recommended daily. The fresher the fruit, the
greater amount of enzymes that it contains. Areduction in enzyme
activity is seen if the fruit is subjected to even a small amount of
* For Better Absorption- Doctors often recommended syrups and enzyme
supplements when absorption of vital nutrients is poor. This prevents
the developmentof deficiencies which can hamper many body processes
and harm health. Grapefruit enzyme works along with other enzymes
produced in the body to improve the uptake of vitamins, minerals,
amino acids and glucose by the cells of the small intestine. This
makesone healthier and promotes growth and development in young
children. Many hospitalized patients who are suffering from long term
illness can also greatly benefit from this.
* As Anti Cancer- The enzymes have a very important property which is
their anti cancer ability. They increase the levels of Tumor Necrosis
Factor (TNF) in the body, which ingreater amount helps to prevent the
growth and spread of a tumor. This can reduce the risk of cancer and
also support radiation and chemotherapy to make the management of
cancermore successful in the initial stages.
* For A Healthy Heart- Grapefruit enzymes are important for a good
cardiovascular system as they dissolve clots and prevent them from
blocking arteries supplying the heart. It alsomaintains the
flexibility of the blood vessels and keeps them healthy and
functioning well . Two to three servings a week are recommended to
obtain all health benefits of grapefruit.
Use grapefruits more oftenin your diet to give your body its many
benefits. The use of enzymes in pregnant and lactating women is
forbidden without the prior approvalof a health care provider.

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