Monday, July 30, 2012

3a] The Inner Secrets of Fasting

Some of them occur every month, such as the first part of the month,
the middle part of it, and the last part of it. So whoever fasts the
first part of the month, the middle part of it, and the last part of
it, then he has done well.
Some fasts occur every week, and they are every Monday and Thursday.
The most virtuous of the recommended fasts is the fast of Dawood
(`alayhis salaam). He would fast oneday and break his fast the next
day. This achieves thefollowing three objectives:
The soul is given its share on the day the fast is broken. And on the
day of fasting, it completes its worship in full.
The day of eating is the day of giving thanks and the day of fasting
is the day of having patience. And Faith (Eemaan) is divided into two
halves - that of thankfulness and that of patience. [Note: thehadeeth
with a similar stament is unauthentic, see adh-Dha`eefah: 625]
It is the most difficult struggle for the soul. This is because every
time the soul gets accustomed to a certain condition, it transfers
itself to that.
As for fasting every day, then it has been reported by Muslim, from
the hadeeth of Abu Qataadah, that `Umar (radhiallahu `anhu) asked the
Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam): 'What is the case ifone were
to fast every day?' So he (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said: "He did
not fast nor did he break his fast - or - he did not fast and he did
not break his fast." [Saheeh Muslim]
This is concerning the one who fasts continuously, even during the
days in which fasting is forbidden.
Characteristics of the most specific fast
Know that the one who has been given intellect, knows the objective
behind fasting. Therefore, he burdens himself to the extent that he
will not be unable to do that which is more beneficial than it.
Ibn Mas`ood would fast very little and it is reported that he used to
say: "When I fast, I grow weak in my prayer. And I prefer the prayer
over the (optional) fast.
Some of them (the Sahaabah) would weaken in their recitation of the
Qur'an while fasting. Thus, they would exceed in breaking their fast
(i.e. by observing less optional fasts), until they were able to
balance their recitation. Every individual is knowledgeable of his
condition and of what will rectify it.
(There was a slight modification to the article by the editor, such as
the exclusion of a couple of statements.)

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