Tuesday, July 31, 2012

3a] Fiqh of Ramadan: theHow-Tos of Fasting

During the fasting period, if one deliberately breaks his or her fast,
s/he must free one slave, or fast for sixty continuous days, or feed
sixty needy persons, or spend in charity an amount equal to feeding
sixty persons.
If one chooses to fast sixty days and the continuity is interrupted
for any reason,except menstruation, one has to start the sixty day
cycle all over again.
Breaking of the fast under exceptional conditions
Muslims are permitted to break their fast of Ramadan when there is a
danger to their health.
In this situation a Muslim should make up his/her fast later. The
missed fast(s) can be made up at any other time of the year,either
continuously or intermittently, except on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr and
the day of Eid-ul-Adha
These are special Sunnah prayers in the month of Ramadan. They follow
the Isha prayers. A minimum of eight and a maximum of twenty Rakat are
offered in pairs of two.
Lailat al-Qadr
Amongst the nights of Ramadan, there is one special night of Power
(Qadr) which is highlightedin Surah al-Qadr (Surah 97 in the Quran).
It has the significance of being better than a thousand months. (Quran 97:3).
This was the night when Quran was revealed to mankind. Prophet
Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) recommended Muslims search
for this night of Power (Qadr) in the odd nights of the last ten
nights in Ramadan.
Muslims spend the night inIbadah (worship), asking forgiveness of
their sins and reciting the Quran.

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