Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2a] Sunnahs of Taraweeh Prayer

"Should I not be a thankful servant?" [9]
It is not being said that theTaraaweeh prayer offered in congregation
must be as long as this, but on mere reflection does it not leave much
to be questioned and sought when we compare our sadstate of affairs
today? What has befallen Muslimsthese days? In their Salaahand Qiyaam
is fast recitation of the verses of the Qur'aan and hurried movements
which hardly resemble the Ruku, Sujoodand other positions in Salaah -
what benefits can we possibly hope to secureby neglecting the Sunnah?
Best Time for Taraweeh:
The majority of mosques hold taraweeh prayer aftersalaat al-Ishaa, and
by doing so they are able to accommodate the varying needs and
conditions of those who attend, (i.e. amongst them there may be the
weak, sick, old etc.) attract more people due tothe convenient earlier
timing which in turn encourages families to bring along their younger
children and those being only a few of the benefits. Therefore it is
good thing and we know lslaam does not impose any hardships. However
if you are praying taraaweeh at home, then it is worth knowing that it
is best to delay the taraaweeh prayer to the last third portion of the
night. Allah's Messenger salla allahu alaihe wa-sallam said: "The
nearest that a slave comes to his Lord is during the middle of the
later portion of the night. If you can be among thosewho remember
Allaah, theExalted One, at that time then do so." [10]
Also, once when 'Umar ibn al-Kattaab went out during Ramadaan and
sawthe people praying taraaweeh, he commented, "prayer at thetime when
they sleep is better than at the time when they are praying it." Since
the people used to pray in the early part of the night. [11]
Know also dear reader; that it is the time when Allaah descends to the
lowest Heaven during the last third of the night, inquiring (though He
knows everything).
"[Is there anyone] who invokes Me, so that I may respond to his
invitation? [ls there anyone] who asksMe, so that I may grant him his
request? [Is there anyone] who seeks My forgiveness, so that I may
forgive him?" [12]
We are encouraged to exert our efforts even further; towards the end
of Ramadaan while seeking out Laylatul-Qadr. 'Aa'isha reported that
Allah's Messenger salla allahu alaihe wa-sallam used to exert himself
in devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than at any
other time. [13]
Allah's Messenger salla allahu alaihe wa-sallam said: "Whoever stands
[in prayer] in Lailatut Qadr outof Eemaan and seeking reward, then his
previous sins are forgiven." [Bukhariand Muslim]
As with all aspects in lslaam, moderation and consistency are the
cardinal words - avoiding the two extremes i.e. negligence and
excessiveness, and this is the correct position. He salla allahu
alaihe wa-sallam said: "The deedsof anyone of you will not save you
(from the hell fire)." They said, 'Even you (will not be saved by your
deeds) O Messenger of Allaah?" He said, "No, even I (will not be
saved) unlessand until Allaah bestows His Mercy on me. Therefore, do
good deeds properly. Sincerely and moderately, and worship Allaah in
the forenoon andduring a part of the night and always adopt a
middlemoderate, regular course whereby you will reach your target
(i.e. paradise)." [14]
Allah has ordained the compulsory prayer, after which the most
excellent prayer is the night prayer [15] and that which I have
mentioned regarding its characteristics is applicablein every prayer-
whether compulsory or voluntary (i.e. such as Taraaweeh). It is not
possible for us to perform prayer as it should be performed, or even
approach it, unless we know the detailed description of the Prophet's
(sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) prayer. [16] I hope that the
significance of the Taraaweeh prayer has been correctly established
and I pray thatit's a benefit to all those rushing to fulfill his
command. "Pray as you have seen me praying." [l7]
1. Saheeh AL- Bukhari (eng. Tran. Vol.2, p. 126,no.227)
2. Fiqh us-Sunnah (v.2, p.28). It is preferred for women to pray at home.
3. Saheeh - Related by al-Bukhari from Urwah (eng, trans. Vol.3,
p.127, no.229) and Muslim from Aaisha' (eng. Trans.
Vol.1, p.367, no.1667). Note that this Hadeeth is a proof that
performing the Taraweeh prayer in congregation was a
Sunnah of the Prophet which Umar later revived and it was not a new
practice which he inventedas many claim.
4. Related by Ibn al-Mubaarak in Az-Zuhar [162/2 from al Kawaakib 575]
Aboo Dawood and Ahmed with a saheeh isnad.
5. Related by Muslim and Malik.
6. Saheeh related by al-Bukhari (eng. Trans. v.2, no.236) and Muslim.
7. Saheeh related by Muslim (eng. Trans. V.1, no. 1697) and Nasaa'ee.
8. Related by al-Bukhari (eng. Trans. vol. 1, Pg. 424 no.766)

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