Saturday, June 2, 2012

''The thunder glorifies His praise''

3 billion thunders a year…
A source of energy that moves at a speed of 96.000 km per hour and
releases 30.000 degrees ofheat.
Have you ever thought how thunder, one of the most magnificent
atmospheric incidents thatAllah creates, is formed and how it is
capable of releasing such a high amount of energy?
During rainfall, thunder and lightning that are made up of bright
lights forming in the course of atmospheric discharge of electricity
are in fact energy resources producing more electricity than thousands
of power plants; besides being a climatic phenomenon. Theanswer to the
questions ofhow these natural energy sources are formed and how
powerful they give out light and heat is a wonder of creation
revealing the Ever-Lasting Might and Glory of Our Lord.
A magnificence forming in a split second: Miracle of Lightning
• The energy released bya single lightning bolt is greater than the
energy produced in all power plants across the entire America.
• One lightning can lighta 100 watt bulb for more than 3 months.
• At the contact point of a lightning to the ground, weather is
warmed up to 25.000oC. The speed of a lightning bolt is 150.000 km per
second and its average thickness is 2.5-5 cm.
• Lightning produces nitrogen molecules that are essential for the
vegetation covering our Earth to sustain its life.
• An average lightning possesses 20.000 ampere of electric power. A
welderuses only 250-400 ampereto weld steel.
• Lightning moves at a speed of 150.000 km per second, that is
almost at half of the speed of light and it is 100.000 times faster
than sound.
Light released by one lightning is greater than that of 10 million
100-watt light bulbs. That is to say; if every house in Istanbul had a
light a bulb on, illumination from a single lightning bolt would be
greater. Allah announces this glamorous flash of lightning as: "…The
brightness of His lightning almost blinds the sight.." (Surat An-Nur,
How is lightning formed?
Air, warmed by the sunlight rises carrying along the water evaporating
inside it. When this risen air reaches2-3 km, it comes into contact
with the layers of cold air.
Ice crystals that are formed inside the clouds at the time of air
rising, release static electric energy formed due to friction. This
electrical energy is loaded positive (+) on top layers of the clouds
and negative (-) on low layers. When the cloud is loaded enough to
ionize the air; lightning is formed.
Why does it thunder?
Lightning heats the air nearby up to 30.000 degrees Celsius in one
millionth of a second. The air warmed up dilates. Andit propagates
sound waves much faster than the speed of sound; with apressure 100
times greater than the normal atmospheric pressure. Similar to the
airplanes crossing the speed of sound, this causes an explosion sound
in the air.And this is named as thunder.
Why does not the light and sound of thunder reach the earth simultaneously?
This is because the sound of thunder reaches us at the speed of sound
(340 m/seconds in air); whereasthe visual aspect of the lightning
reaches us at thespeed of light (299.793 km/seconds). This causes
atime difference between the two incidents and thusresults in the
bolt reaching the earth before the thunder.
What is the difference between lightning and thunderbolt?
When the difference in electric charge becomes greater between the
earthand the cloud, it becomes easier for air to be pierced and from
earth to the cloud; electrical discharge starts through the conductor
duct formed by the pierced air. The electrical discharge from the
clouds is called lightning and the electricaldischarge from the earth
back to the cloud is called thunderbolt or return stroke.
The fact of lightning declared in the Holy Quran
Surah Ar-Ra'd is one of thechapters in the Quran and it means "The Thunder".
Allah announces that the thunder formed by the lightening repeats His praises:
"The thunder glorifies His praise, as do the angels, out of fear of
Him. …" (Surah Ar-Ra'd, 13)
Strike of lightning reminds us of death
Experiences of those who survived a strike of lightning that causes
the death of hundreds of people every year, remind us of death as well
as revealing the helplessness of man in the Presence of Allah.
The possibility of getting struck by lightning is one in 700,000; yet
one shouldnot underestimate this possibility as well as the effects of
the lightning. According to the statements made by thosewho have been
struck by lightning, the electrical current can explode the buttons
and zippers on the clothes and people canfaint and fall down.


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