Friday, June 8, 2012

The Three Categoriesof Tawheed Are Defined in the Qur'aan

We have previously statedthat the three categories of tawheed are
taken directly from the Noble Qur'aan. The categories are taken from
many verses, so let us look to some of them now.
The very first chapter found in the mus-haf , Soorah Al-Faatihah ,
mentions all three categories of tawheed . Allaah says [1]:
( All the praise is due to Allaah, the Lord of all that exists )
Here is tawheed ar-ruboobiyyah , as the verse establishes Allaah's
Lordship over the 'aalameen , which means everything except Allaah,
and the Rabb (Lord) meansthe Owner and Controller of Affairs. Allaah
then says [2]:
( The Bestower of Mercy, the All-Merciful, the Owner of the Day of Judgement )
Tawheed al-asmaa' was-sifaat is present in these verses, as Allaah
establishes for Himself the attributes of Mercy and Ownership. He also
establishes some of His Names - Ar-Rahmaan , Ar-Raheem , and Al-Maalik
.Then He says [3]:
( You alone we worship, and You alone we seek help from )
And here is tawheed al-uloohiyyah , as the verse demonstrates the
obligation to single out Allaah with acts of worship, and to seek help
from Him alone.
Similarly, the three categories of tawheed are also found in Soorah
An-Naas , the very last chapter to be found in the mus-haf . Tawheed
ar-ruboobiyyah is found inHis Statement [4]:
( Say: 'I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind' )
And tawheed al-asmaa' was-sifaat is found in His Statement [5]:
( the King of mankind )
And lastly, tawheed al-uloohiyyah is found in His Statement [6]:
( the God worshipped bymankind )
Likewise, the very first command issued in the mus-haf contains the
categories of tawheed [7]:
( O mankind! Worship your Lord who created you and those who came
before you, so thatyou might attain taqwaa . (He is) the One who made
the earth a bed foryou and the sky a mighty structure, and Hesent
water down from the sky that brings forth many fruits for your
provisions. So do not ascribe partners to Allaah while you have
knowledge! )
After mentioning the threekinds of people, the believers, the
disbelievers, and the hypocrites, and then turning His Servants to the
Qur'aan as a source of guidance [8], He followed that up saying [9]:
( O mankind! Worship your Lord! )
This is a general call, a command to the entire creation, to single
out Allaah with acts of worship, and a command to avoid ascribing a
single partner to Allaah. This is tawheed al-uloohiyyah .
Then Allaah comes with tawheed ar-ruboobiyyah , as something to back
up the fact that He deserves to be worshipped alone [10]:
( The One who made theearth a bed for you and the sky a mighty
structure, and He sent water down from the skythat brings forth many
fruits for your provisions)
Aren't these the actions of Allaah, Most High and Magnificent? This is
tawheed ar-ruboobiyyah . Allaah, Most Glorified and Exalted, mentions
it here as a proof and something that leads to tawheed al-uloohiyyah .
Just as He alone does these things, then no one other than Him
deserves worship, rather this is a right that ispurely and solely for
Him, Most Glorified.
He mentions two of the categories of tawheed in these verses. Tawheed
al-uloohiyyah is mentioned since it is the greatest thing sought from
mankind, and tawheed ar-ruboobiyyah ismentioned as a proof for it, and
something that can not be separated from it. He orders all of mankind
with the same order foundin another verse [11]:
( And I have not created the Jinn nor mankind
for any purpose other than worshipping Me )
So He has informed us thatthese two great creations, the Jinn and
mankind, have not been created for a purpose other than worshipping
Allaah, singling Him out with tawheed al-uloohiyyah .
Then He forbade shirk in the last part of the verse [12]:
( So do not ascribe partners to Allaah while you have knowledge )
Meaning that you are not to perform a single act of worship for other
than Allaah, while you know that no one shares in His Ruboobiyyah ,
His Creationof the Heavens and the Earth, His sending of the rain, His
causing the plantsto grow forth, etc. Since you know that no one
shared with Him in these affairs, then how could you worship someone
along with Him?!
Allaah, Most Glorified and Exalted, says [13]:
( And your God is one God, there is no God except Him )
This is tawheed al-uloohiyyah . A god is something that is worshipped,
so uloohiyyah is worship and complete love. The verse means thatthe
one who rightfully deserves your worship is only one, there is no God
except Him, there is none to be worshipped other than Him. Later in
the verse, Allaah says [14]:
( The Bestower of Mercy, the All-Merciful )
This is something from tawheed al-asmaa' was-sifaat , as it contains
proof for two of Allaah's Names, along with His Attribute of Mercy.

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