Friday, June 1, 2012

Sin and repentance

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One of the reasons for people's detachment from the morality of the
religion is that they consider themselves unforgivable out of the deep
distress they feel because of the sins they have committed. Satan
attempts repeatedly to instil such groundless thoughts in human
beings.To one who has committed a sin, he stealthily whispers the
message, "You are wicked and rebellious against Allah." If he has
committed only a few sins,satan tempts him to sin still more. Towards
his purpose, satan employs the feeling of embarrassment man feels
towards Allah, but manipulates this feeling inorder to draw man
furtherdistant from Allah.
However, like all others, this trick of satan's is a feeble one. The
fact that someone committed a sin does not mean that he hasbeen cursed
by Allah, and that he will never be able to follow the straight
pathagain. Not just one simple sin, but even if he were to commit the
greatest sins, over and over again, he will always have the
opportunity to repent and turn towards Allah. Allah informs us in the
Qur'an that He will forgive each person who sincerely repents of his
sins, that is, asks for forgiveness and remains firm in not committing
the same sin again:
But if anyone repents after his wrongdoing and puts things right,
Allah will turn towards him. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
(Surat al-Ma'ida:39)
Allah is infinite in mercy. In a verse of the Qur'an, Heprovides the
good news toHis servants, "...I am the Ever-Returning, the Most
Merciful" (Surat al-Baqara: 160). Every individual has the opportunity
to repent. Allah even accepted the repentance of some Jews, who went
astray and worshipped an idol they made out of gold, after having
believed in Him, and forgave them:
And when Moses said to his people, "My people, You wronged yourselves
by adopting the Calf so turn towards your Maker and kill your own
(guilty) selves. That is the best thing for you in your Maker's
sight." And He (Allah) turned towards you. He is the Ever-Returning,
the Most Merciful. (Surat al-Baqara: 54)
After repentance and asking for Allah's forgiveness, a person may well
again become heedless, committing the same sin again. In fact, thismay
happen many times over. However, provided that that person repents
once and for all, and is committed to not sin again, he may hope for
Allah's mercy.
Nevertheless, as it is in every issue, the important factor is
sincerity. An insincere action is unacceptable in Allah's sight. If
one is not resolved to ending his sinning, and says, "I will repent
eventually," he is clearly insincere, which is likely to bring sorrow
to man. Allah warns those who hold such rationale asfollows:
Allah only accepts the repentance of those whodo evil in ignorance and
then quickly make repentance after doing it. Allah turns towards such
people. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. There is no repentance for
people who persist indoing evil until death comes to them and who then
say, "Now I make repentance," nor for people who die unbeliever. We
have prepared for them a painful punishment. (Surat an-Nisa': 17-18)/
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