Tuesday, June 5, 2012


According to a hadeeth appearing in Sahih Muslim, Sayyidena Abi Zaid
(R.A.) says, "Rasulullah (SallallahuAlayhi Wasallam) once led the Fajr
Salaat after which he ascended the pulpit andaddressed us till Zuhr
Salaat. He alighted from the pulpit, performed Zuhr Salaat and
ascended the pulpit. He then addressed us till Asr and descended from
the pulpit. He performed Salaat and ascended the Mimbar. He then
addressed us till sunset. (In these sermons) He informed us about
those incidents which had occurred as well as those which are yet to
occur. Those with stronger memories amongst us remembered most of
The above hadeeth as well as other Ahadeeth indicate the importance
attached tothe imparting of information pertaining to Qiyamah. It is
further reported that the Noble Companions used to teach these
Ahadeeth to their children instructing them to convey it to others.
It will be noticed that while some Ahadeeth mention very briefly
certain signs of Qiyamah, other ahadeeth again mention certain signs
in greater detail eg. the coming of Sayyidena Eesa (A.S.), Imaam Madhi
(A.S.) and the advent of Dajjal. This is so because of the fact that
these signs are a greater test for one's Imaan.
Another important point is that despite the large collection of
Ahadeeth which exists in regard to the signs of Qiyamah there is no
specific order mentioned in as far as the occurrence of many of these
events is concerned. The exact period between each sign is also
generally unknown.
Further, certain signs have been mentioned very briefly, thus making
it difficult to specify exactly as to whether or not a certain event
which has occurred or is occurring is the same one which the Ahadeeth
has mentioned. The reason for all these above factors is to disable
anyone from reckoning theexact time of Qiyamah which Allah has said
will occur suddenly "it will come upon you suddenly". (Qur'aan)

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