"Resilience is contagious." -Amy Estrada. Sure, life comes along now
and thenand blows you off your feet. That's alright. You don't have to
have the answers. You don't have tobe superman or superwoman. When the
thundercloud opens up, who among us can stop the rain? When the
hurricane blows, who can stay on his feet? No one. What matters is
that you get back up, dust yourself off, take stock, and move forward
in the name of Allah. Others see that, and it rallies them.
Superman is no hero, he's impervious to bullets! Real heroes get hurt,
they get down on themselves sometimes, they're imperfect, they
struggle to pay the bills and raise theirchildren, they struggle to be
become stronger in their faith, but they struggle! They don't give up.
That's inspiring, and it'scontagious, and maybe sometimes it will be
someone else inspiring you, and maybe sometimesit will you, getting up
after the hurricane, showing us all how it's done.