Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Post, Comment, our Reply

Our Posts Topic:-> ''With Allah, in Islam''

María: comments

I was in your facebook page and my first vision was this, I don´t
agree with this.
"Those who love to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet them, and those who
detest to meet Allah, Allah detests to meet them". Do you agree with
Tell me something, knowing that God has created everything us
included, you as a father, do you think if you have two children that
you are going to treat them differently? do you think that if one of
your childrenis in the wrong way, you are going to despise him or her
or you are going to try hard to get him or her in the right way?
If we as human with all our defects, when we are parents we care and
love the way we do, then God Almighty, Merciful…….. Love us beyond our
human emotions, we are just human beings, and if any of us condemns a
brother or a sister we are telling who we are, these are human
attributes, God is far beyond our simple human understanding
The word "detest" shows a side of a reality, I mean we are in a world
where we handle two sides, God is Oneness, Wholeness,…. includes in
Him both sides,how do you think He is going to show preferencesfor one
of His creatures and not for the others, He knows everything,…. He
cares of every single creature, ……I don´t know if you get my point
The Word is one of the most powerful tools we have and is good to
remember that behind a Word there is always a Thought.
Allah(swt) knows best.
Our Reply:
*I was paraphrasing a hadith qudsi:
Abu Huraira narrates that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said that Allah says:
"If My servant loves to meet Me, I love to meet him; and if he
dislikes (abhors) to meet Me, I dislike (abhor) to meet him."
Aisha said: "Oh Allah's Messenger, as for death, we all hate it."
Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said:"It is not that, but that when a
believer (at the time of death) is given theglad tidings of the mercy
of Allah, His Pleasure, and of Paradise, he loves to meet Allah, and
Allah also loves to meet him, and when an unbeliever is given the news
of the torment and hardship which he is going to face at the Hand of
Allah, he abhors to meet Allah and Allah also abhors meeting him."
Maria, I understand the point you are making. It's true that Allah
cares for every one of His creatures, and He wants the best for every
creature. But it's alsotrue that Allah is a just God. True justice
cannot exist without reward and punishment.
If someone comes to Allahon the Day of Judgment never having believed
in Him, having lived a corrupt life full of sins – maybe a murderer,
maybea child molester, maybe anoppressor, or whatever the case may be
– that person will not like to meet Allah. He will fear to meet Allah
because he knows he will be punished. Similarly, Allah will not like
to meet him, because He must punish him.
So, yes, of course Allah prefers some creatures over others. He
prefers those who believe in Him and obey Him, who do good in the
world, who show love and compassion to other creatures. This is
natural. And He loves to meet those people, as they will be happy to
meet Him.

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