Monday, June 4, 2012

Nemesis; the portentof the Day of Judgment

The end of the world is getting closer.
The star named Nemesis is6500 times bigger than the Earth. Its
approach to our planet will be fatal and devastating.
Nemesis is traveling at a speed of 62000 mph and getting closer to our
planet to destroy the world in an unexpected moment…
As Nemesis makes its closest approach to the Sun its orbit takes it
right through the trillions of comets surrounding the solar system. A
billion comets are sent careening toward the inner solar system, a
handful inevitably hits the Earth.
Even if one of these comets hits our planet, waves, hundreds of meters
high will form and will destroy everything in its path.
Even a 200 meter sized meteor has the power to destroy 70 % of our
world's coastline.
However if that meteor hitting the Earth is 10 kms in size then such
a giant dust cloud will be formed that it will block the Sun
completely. All the plants and marine animals will be destroyed and
completely dead.
Every living thing on earthwill be completely destroyed.
Allah has revealed information about the Dayof Judgment in the
Qur'anand the star that will start the Day of Judgment might be
Nemesis. (Allah knows the truth.)
and the earth and the mountains are lifted andcrushed with a single
blow. On that Day, shall the (Great) Event come to pass. (Surat

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