Monday, June 11, 2012

Letting Go of Material Illusions

As infants, our first seeming victory is being able to grasp – a
finger, a toy, or anything bright. Only later do we realize that the
dunya (the material world) is constantly grasping at us, trying to get
us to buy, eat,feel, possess, own. Forces of greed are trying to get
us to pour our souls down the drain of disposable consumerism, and
poison our planet in the process.
Believers realize at that point that the real struggleis to give up
our love for material things, and let go. To take what we need,
andenjoy the simple pleasures,and not let ourselves be corrupted by
Doesn't Allah say that the wasters are the brothers ofthe devils?
"And give the relative his right, and [also] the poor and the
traveler, and do not spend wastefully. Indeed, the wasteful are
brothers of the devils, and ever has Satan been to his Lord
ungrateful." (Quran, Al-Israa' 17: 26-27)
Modern society, and Western society in particular, is based on waste.
Everything is disposable, everything is plastic, everything is
buriedin landfills where it seeps into the drinking water, or dumped
into the ocean where it poisons the marine ecosystem. Knowing this,
how are we to regard modern society in view of Allah's statment that
the wasters are the brothers of the devils? And what is our role in
this massive assault on planet earth?
Things are not always as they seem. Consumerism is a spiritual desert,
and the happiness that we think will come from buying this,or owning
that, is a mirage.Buying the latest flat screen TV or data phone will
not make us happy. Owning a McMansion in thesuburbs will not bring us
inner peace. Having a pile of money in the bank will not bring us
closer to Allah,or save our souls, or extendour lives one moment
beyond what has been written, regardless of our insurance plans. In
fact, all those things are balls and chains that bind ours soul and
create stress and worry.
The Messenger of Allah (sws), is reported to have said, "That which is
little yet sufficient is better than that which is much and diverts
man from his goal as a result."
What is the goal? It is the worship of Allah, working
fee-sabeel-illah, and the ultimate goal of Jannah. In the Bible, Jesus
(peace be upon him) asks, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall
gain the whole world,and lose his own soul?" If you own the most
beautiful furniture, the most expensive clothing, and the coolest
cars, yet you fail in your mission of achieving Jannah, then what have
you achieved? You have ruined yourself.
Let go of these material illusions. We're not infants anymore, trying
to grab any pretty thing and put it in our mouths. We can think
critically. The "reality"that is flashed in our eyes athousand times a
day by commercials, billboards, movies and TV is a lie. See things as
they are. All that matters is Allah. Above all is Allah. Success lies
in our relationship with Allah. Peace and happiness come from being in
harmony with Allah's teachings, which in turn brings us in harmony
with all creation.
Buy less, own less, don't use disposable products, don't throw away
things that can be repaired, re-sold or donated. Hand things down,
pass them on.The best fun is free: playing sports or word games with
your children, walking in the park, swimming at the beach or the
public pool, enjoying tea with friends. Don't worry about owning the
latest gadget. Forget aboutbrand names. The only brands we need are
Muslim, Mu'min, Ummah, Deen. Keep your eyes open,think for yourself,
and don't be fooled by bright illusions.