Monday, June 11, 2012

Letter from a Reader

Salaam brother,
I have been browsing your website for several weeks now, just reading
through various articles. I just felt the need to thank you and let
you know how truly inspiring you are.
The past few months have been a tremendously difficult for me, and
reading your post about heartbreak really uplifted me in a significant
way. Your insight is truly amazing, and reading your work soothes my
pain amazingly well. Your words are further adorned with the truth
about Allah, the Beloved Messenger andthe reality of love and life. It
is truly a gift that you have been blessed with, and may Allah reward
you for sharing it with us.
I pray Allah blesses you with His eternal Love, Mercy and Kindness –
and that He keeps us all on the loving and noble path of the Beloved
Messenger, ourLeader Mustafa, upon him be peace.
Hope you and your daughter Salma are well, and that you are having a
great Ramadan.
Keep me in your prayers. Stay blessed, always!