Thursday, June 7, 2012

ISLAMIC ARTICLE :- ~ Morning and Evening Dhikr – Part 2

Ayatul Kursi
Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255
Recite this:
*. Once every Morning & Evening
*. After every obligatory Salaah
*. Before you go to bed at night
*. In your houses
*. You will be under Allah's Protection till the next Salaah
*. Allah will send an angel to protect you till the night is over
*. No shaytan or harmful thing will come close to your house
Proof/Hadith for the above:
1. "Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi at the end of every obligatory
salaah, he will be under the protection of Allah till the next
salaah." [Classified as Hassan by Ibn al-Qayyim, as saheeh by Ibn Baz
& as weak by al-Albani]
2. "Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after each Prescribed Salaah,
nothingwill be standing between him and Paradise except death."
[Nasai'/Tabarani/classified as sahih by al-Albani]
3. Story of Ubbay bin Ka'b and the jinn: Ubbay bin Ka'b(ra) stated
that he used to have a room of dates. He suspected that some dates
were going missing. Thus one night he stood vigil and saw an animal
like a young person. Ubbay(ra) said: "I greeted and received a reply".
I asked, "Who are you? A man or Jinn?" He said, "Jinn. I said, give
me you hand". He outstretched his hands. I noticed that the hand was
like that of a dog. Its hair like the hair of the dog. I asked, "Are
Jinns created like this?" He said, "The Jinns know that there is none
among them who is stronger than me". I inquired, "Why did you
steal?" He replied, "I have come to know that you love to give charity
so decided to take some of your food.
"Ubbay(ra) said: "What will save us from you? He said, 'Ayatul Kursi
which is in Surah al-Baqarah. He who reads it at night will be saved
from our evil till the morning and he who reads it in the morning will
be saved from our eviltill the night'."
Ubbay(ra) said: I went to the Messenger of Allah (sws) in the morning
and told him about my story. He(sws) said: "The evil onehas said the
truth."[Nasai'/Ibn Hibban Tabarni/Al-Hakim] Lesson: Rasul(sws)'s
approval of this made the reading of Ayatul Qursi every morning and
evening a Sunnah.
4. The same story happened to Abu Huraira(ra)except that the shaytan
appeared to him in the shape of a man. [Bukhari] Lesson: Read Ayatul
Kursi before you goto bed, Allah will send an angel to protect you
till the night is over.
5. The same story happened to Abu Ayoub al-Ansari(ra) with a
femalejinni (ghoul). [Ahmed/Tirmithi/classified as sahih by
al-Albani] Lesson: Recite Ayatul-Kursiin your house and no shaytan
will come close toit or anything harmful thing.
The Mu'awwithat/Last 3 Surahs
Surah Ikhlaas, Falaq& Naas
Recite these:
*. 3 x Morning & Evening
*. 3 x after Maghrib & Fajr
*. 1 x after Dhuhr, Asr & Isha
*. When going to bed every night
*. Provides Protection frombad dreams, jinn, evil whispers, evil eye
and everything.
1. Abdullah bin Khubayb (ra) said: "We became thirsty and it had
become dark while we were waiting for the Messenger of Allah to lead
us in Prayer. Then when he came out, he took me by my hand and said:
'Say'. I was silent. Then he (sws) said again, 'Say', so I said, 'What
should I say?' He said: 'Say, He is Allah, who is One' and the two
surahsof refuge (al-Falaq and an-Nas) when you enter upon the evening
and the morning three times (each). They will suffice you against
everything." [Abu Dawood/Tirmithi/Nasai'/Classified as Hassanby
2. Uqbah bin 'Aamir(ra) said: "The Messenger of Allah(sws) has
commanded me to recite al-Mu'awithaat at the end of every prayer."
[Sahih Abi Dawood]
3. The Messenger of Allah(sws) said: "O! Ibn Aabis, shall I tell you
aboutthe best protection used by those who seek it. He said: Yes, O
Messenger of Allah. He(sws) said: "Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of
the daybreak." and 'Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind.' It is
included in these two surahs." [Abu Dawood/classifed by al-Albani]
4. Aisha(ra) reported that whenever the Prophet(sws) went to bed every
night, he used to cup his hands together and blow over them after
reciting surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas and then rub
his hands over whatever partsof his body he was able to rub, starting
with his head,face and front of his body. He used to do that three
times. [Bukhari]

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