Saturday, June 2, 2012

ISLAMIC ARTICLE :- ~ Meditation

Relax your mind. There is nothing to think about right now, nothing to
worry about. Release the burdens that you carry in your mind.
As you breathe deeply, the warmth spreads to your face. Let your face
relax. Relax your eyes. Whatever your eyes have seen that isunhappy or
that causes you pain, let it go. Release it with your breath.
Relax your cheeks and yourmouth. Whatever you havespoken that you
regret, let it go, release it with your breath. It's in the past and
is gone now with your breath.
Relax your ears. There is nothing for you to listen toright now except
the peacefulness of your own breath. Whatever you haveheard that has
hurt you, at any time in your life, let it go now. You don't need it
anymore. Release it with your breath.
Relax your jaw. Any tension that you are holding in your jaw, let it
go, release it. Feel the warmth spread through your mind, your face,
your neck. Relax your neck.
Know that you are safe. You are protected. You are in a place of
shelter. You are in Allah's care. You are in a safe place, a good
place. You have nothing to fear, nothing to regret. The past is gone,
and the future has not arrived. All that existsis this peaceful
moment, this safe place where youare protected and warm.
Continue to breathe deeplyand softly. Your breath warms you. The
warmth spreads now into your shoulders and relaxes your shoulders.
Whatever burden you have been carrying on your shoulders,let it go.
Give to Allah, and He will hold it for you until you are ready to take
it back. For now, let it go with your breath. Relax your shoulders.
Let go of your fear and your worry. You are following Allah's guidance
and that is peaceful. You are at harmony with the entire universe and
that is peaceful.
Breathe deeply and softly. The breath spreads now into your back and
warms your back. Relax your shoulder blades, and the middle of your
back. Relax your lower back. As you breathe out, release the burdens
that you have borne on your back. All the troubles, all the weight on
your back, release them with your breath, and let them disappear. You
don't need them anymore.
Allah is on your side and He will always be with you. You have the
strength of Imaan. Know that whatever challengesyou face in life, you
are strong and capable.
As you breathe, warmth continues to spread through your body, now
moving into your chest andyour stomach. Relax your chest. Whatever
fears you have for the future, let them go. Release them with your
breath. Trust in Allah; He is with you right now, at this moment, and
He will protect you. Relax your stomach. Whatever tightness you have
in your stomach, whatever tensionyou carry there, release it, let it
go with your breath.
Know that Allah created you pure, with the purity of fitrah. That
purity is always inside you, like a light. Allow yourself to feel it,
to be in touch with it; let that purity come out, and with it comes
Your breath is warm and soothing. As it spreads through your body it
makes you warm. It brings peace and tranquility to your mind, to your
soul, and to your heart. Feel it now spreading into your arms. Relax
your upper arms, and your forearms. Relax your hands and your fingers.
Relax your thumbs.Your hands work hard for you every day, but right
now let them relax. Whatever burdens you carry in your hands,
releasethem. Whatever private pain or shame your hands have witnessed,
release it. You don't need it anymore.Let it escape with your breath,
let it go.
Know that Allah created you beautiful with the best of forms as He
said in the Quran. That beautyis inside you. Let yourself feel it and
believe it.
Breathe deeply now and let it flow into your legs. Relax your thighs.
Relax your knees. Relax your calves. Relax your feet. Relax your toes.
Your legs work hard for you every day, they have earned a rest. Relax
your legs and letthe tension flow out of them; release the tension
with your breath.
Now all of your body is relaxed and warm. Every cell in your body,
every part of you inside and out is soothed and peaceful. Allof your
body is pure and light and warm.
Allah is with you now, and He is As-Salam, the giver of peace. Allah
created you in peace. Inside you, at your center, is peace. That peace
is your birthright. Your breath is peace. Your center is peace.
Yoursoul is at peace, your mind is at peace, your heart is at peace,
your blood is at peace, your breath is at peace, your eyes are at
peace, your hearing is at peace, your tongue is at peace, your hands
are at peace, your feet are at peace, every part of you is at peace
with Allah. Every part of you is at peace with yourself. Every part of
youis at peace. Every part of you is peaceful.


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