Shaykh Saalih ibn 'Abdillaah Al-Fawzaan
From his book Duroos min Al-Qur'aan Al-Kareem (p.5-11)
Someone may say, and it actually has been said, "What is it with you
that you always focus on tawheed and you talk so much about it?! And
you don't take into consideration the condition of the Muslims in our
day and time, those who are being killed and caused to flee all over
the earth, those being persecuted by the empiresof disbelief in every
So we say, and with Allaahlies success:
Tawheed is the foundationupon which this upright religion has been
built, so focusing on it means to focus on the very core itself. For
if we were to reflect over the Noble Qur'aan we would find that it
expounds on issues of tawheed repetitively, somuch so that there does
not exist a single soorah inthe Qur'aan that does not mention tawheed
, clarifying it and prohibiting what opposes it. It was Al-Imaam Ibn
Al-Qayyim who pointed out that the entire Qur'aanis about tawheed ,
since it is only made up of the following:
* Information about Allaah and His Names and Attributes - This is the
tawheed that we are to have knowledge of, called tawheed
ar-ruboobiyyah .
* Commands to worship Allaah alone with no partners and prohibitions
of worshipping other thanHim - This is the tawheed that we must put
into action, called tawheed al-uloohiyyah .
* Commands to obey Allaah and His Messenger ( sallallaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam ) and prohibitions of disobeying Allaah and His Messenger (
sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam ) - Theseare the ways that tawheed is
actualized and completed.
* Information about what Allaah has prepared for the people of tawheed
, the delights, success, salvation, and triumphs in this life and the
Next, and the punishments that are in store for the people of shirk in
this life, and the eternal torture prepared for them upon their
one-way entrance into theHellfire - The first is for those who
actualize tawheed , the latter is for those who do not. [1]
Therefore the entire Qur'aan is centered around tawheed . If you were
to think about the soorahs revealed in Makkah, you would find that
most of them focus entirely on tawheed . That is because the Prophet (
sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam ) stayed in Makkah for 13 years calling
to tawheed and warning against shirk . Thevast majority of the
religious obligations like zakaah , fasting, Hajj, the affairs of
halaal and haraam , business transactions, etc. were not revealed
until after the Hijrah to Al-Madeenah. Thelegislation of the prayer is
an exception to this, as it was made an obligation while the Prophet (
sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam ) was still in Makkah on the Night of
Al-Mi'raaj , when he ( sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam ) was taken by
night (to Jerusalem) [2], but that was only a short time before the
Hijrah .
So the majority of the soorahs revealed before the Prophet (
sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam ) made hijrah were focused entirely on
tawheed , thus showing how truly important the subject is.
Furthermore, the religious obligations were not revealed until tawheed
was presented and established within the souls of the people, and the
proper 'aqeedah had taken root. For verily actions can not be correct
except with tawheed , nor can they have other than tawheed as their
The Qur'aan has illustratedthat the Messengers ( 'alayhim As-Salaatu
was-Salaam ) all began their missions by inviting the people to
tawheed before anything else, as Allaah says [3]:
( And We sent a messenger to every nation (proclaiming) : 'Worship
Allaah and shun false deities!' )
Allaah also says [4]:
( And We never sent any messenger before you, except that we revealed
to him that 'There is no deity worthy of worship except Me, so worship
Me!' )
And every prophet used tosay to his people [5]:
( O my people - Worship Allaah as you have no other deity worthy of worship! )
So this was the affair of the messengers - they began with tawheed .
Similarly the callers and revivalists who followed the messengers used
to begin by focusing on tawheed . That is because every single da'wah
that isnot built upon tawheed is a fruitless call that does not
fulfill its purpose, and there is no positive result to it. Every
da'wah that does not focus on tawheed is a lost call, with regards to
its end results. This is something well known and seen all over.
On the other hand, every da'wah centered around tawheed is a truly
successful call, by Allaah's Permission, a cal that benefits the
society and bears many fruits. History bears witness to this.
So we are not neglecting the issues of the Muslims, rather we are very
concerned about them. We are assisting them andtrying to prevent every
harm from reaching them using all our resources.....
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