If today were your birthday, would you be happy and excited?
Well, guess what? Today is your "Alive Day"!
You are alive today. You have the opportunity to earn huge rewards by
praying, being kind to people, giving charity, loving your family,
helping your neighbors, and just looking around and appreciating the
beauty of Allah's creation.
Oh, that's not good enough? Okay, get yourselfa cupcake and stick a
candle in it; then blow out the candle, and enjoy this song: "Happy
Alive Day to you, Happy Alive Day dear reader…"
After you've had that cupcake, visit one of your friends, maybe
someone you love but haven't seen in a while. Catch up on each others'
lives, go out toeat or to the park, or stay home and play a game of
cards. Make sure you spendat least a few minutes talking about Allah,
because that's what brings life and blessings to any visit.
Every day is an opportunity. Happiness is where you find it. Sometimes
all it takes is a candle in a cupcake, and a call to a friend.
Happy Alive Day.