My peace and blessing of Allah be upon you I am writting in hope that
you will be able to help me dissolve my dilema. I am apracticing
muslim woman ( 20 years old). I 'v moved to XXX 5 years ago. My
parents were never praticing muslims, but i've been thought about
Islam from my grandmother.
I've always been a believer in Allah . Until recently I did not know
how to perform prayers, however I decided that there is nobody here to
teach me so I had to do it myself.
With the help of Allah I learned how to perform them, also I started
wearing hijab. The problem I am writing withis that I've been seeing
this guy with whom I feel in love with. Unfortunatelyhe is not a
muslim, but also he does not belong inany faith. He does believe in
God I've been trying to convince him to join Islam and become part of
the only true religion, otherwise I cannot marry him. ( we've been
together for 3 years). What I cannot convince him is that Muhammad (
pbuh) is the messenger of Allah. He keeps asking me questions like "
How do you know that this is a word of God?, What if Muhammad just
made it up as if it is a word from God.Please tell me how to convince
him that Qur'an is a true word from none other but Allah and that
Muhammad is the Messenger. Please help He keeps saying that if we were
to get married he would not have a problemwith me continuing to
practice my religion. He is quite proud of me for starting to wear
hijab in society where it is not common.( I might be one of the only
people waaring hijab in this town,the beliefe in Allah gave me the
strenght to do it)I know that he would not have a problem with me
practicing my faith, but I would still like him to be amuslim. Even
though he is a great person and does not do anything bad. It really
hurts when I think that we cannot be together. Is it a major sin for
me to get married to him? There is a lot of people who do it.
Especially when there is no muslims around where I alive at all. There
is a lot of muslim women that do it. Would I be terribly punished if I
were to do marry him?
Praise be to Allaah.
Praise be to Allaah Who has made good dear to you; we ask Him to
increase you in guidance and faith, and to guide your parents to
practise Islam and adhere to its rulings.
With regard to the Quraanand the proof that it is theword of Allaah,
these are specious arguments whichwere put forward out of stubbornness
and arrogance by the first kaafirs to whom the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) was sent. Allaah refuted what they
said in many ways, proving their words to be false and pointing out
what was wrong with it. For example:
1- This Quraan is challengefrom Allaah to mankind and the jinn to
produce anything like it, but they were unable to. Then He challenged
them to produce only ten soorahs like it, and they were unable to.
Then He challenged them to produce something like the shortest soorah
in the Quraan, and they could not do it, even though those who were
being challenged were the most eloquent and well-spoken of mankind,
and the Quraan was revealed in their language. Yet despitethat they
stated that they were completely incapableof doing that. This
challenge has remained down throughout history, but not one person has
been able to produce anything like it. If this were the word of a
humanbeing, some people wouldhave been able to producesomething like
it or close to it. There is a great deal of evidence for this
challenge in the Quraan, for example, the aayah (interpretation of the
Say: If the mankind and the jinn were together to produce the like of
this Quraan, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they
helped one another ;
[al-Israa 17:88]
Allaah says, challenging them to produce just ten soorahs:
Or they say, He (Prophet Muhammad) forged it (theQuraan). Say: Bring
you then ten forged Soorah (chapters) like unto it, and call
whomsoever you can, other than Allaah (to your help), if you speak the
[Hood 11:13 interpretation of the meaning]
Allaah says, challenging them to produce just one soorah:
And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are indoubt concerning
that which We have sent down(i.e. the Quraan) to Our slave (Muhammad),
then produce a Soorah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your
witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allaah, if you are truthful
[al-Baqarah 2:23 interpretation of the meaning]....
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