.... Allaah)are to be done in plenty onthese days. Dhikr Ibn `Abbaas
commented on the verse > [22:28] by saying: [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
Fasting One of thewives of the Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam,
said: "Allaah's Messenger used to fast the (first) nine days of Dhul
Hijjah, the day of `Ashooraa', and three days of each month. [Saheeh
Sunan Abee Daawood#2129] Fasting on all thesedays, however, is not a
waajib (compulsory), nor is it a constant sunnah that the Messenger,
sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, never dropped. `Aa'ishah said: "I never
saw the Messenger, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, fast the ten days."
[Muslim] The Day of `Arafah- The Best Day of the Whole Year The day of
`Arafah is the day when the pilgrims stand in worship on the Mountain
of `Arafah. "Fasting the dayof `Arafah expiates the [minor] sins of
two years: apast one and a coming one.And fasting the day of
`Aashooraa' expiates the sins of the past year." [Muslim] "There is no
day on which Allaah `azza wa jall frees people from the Fire as He
does no the day of `Arafah. He comes close (to those standing on
`Arafah) and then revels before His angels, saying:"What are these
people seeking?" [Muslim] The Dayof al-`Ad-haa The tenth of
Dhul-Hijjah is `Eed ul- Ad-haa or the day of an-Nahr (slaughtering).
It marks the conclusion of themajor rites of Hajj, and commemorates
Allaah's bounty on His Messenger Ibraaheem, when He gave him a ram to
sacrifice as ransom for his son Ismaa`eel, `alayhimassalaam. "The day
of al-Fitr [i.e. `Eed ul-Fitr], the day of an-Nahr,and the days of
Tashreeq are `Eed days for us Muslims. They are days of eating and
drinking." [Ahmad, an-Nasaa'ee, Saheeh ul-Jaami` #8192] The Three Days
Following `Eed ul-`Ad-haa On these days, the pilgrims completetheir
rites, Muslims continue with their `Eed celebrations, and are
prohibited to fast. "The days of tashreeq are days of eating, drinking
and mentioning Allaah." [Muslim] The Sacrifice Allaah `azza wa jall
mentioned the sacrifice together with the first and foremost worship
in Islaam: prayer. This is a clear indication of its great importance.
Thus He ordered His Messenger, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, to
slaughter sacrifices by saying: Ruling The general concensus of the
Muslim scholars is that the sacrifice is an important sunnah, and a
worship called for in the Law of Allaah. However, they differ as to
whether it is nafl (voluntary) or waajib(mandatory)...
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