Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Try to count Allah’s blessings in your life

Today, try to count Allah's blessings in your life.
Start with your breath, your beating heart, your ability to see, smell
and touch, and the ability to laugh…
Continue to your favorite foods, the roof over your head, and the
people who love you…
From there move out to the blue sky, the beauty of a single tree, the
sunshine on your face, and the majesty of a rising moon…
Keep counting…
Don't forget your imaan (your faith) and your knowledge of Allah. That
is the greatest blessing of Allah and the truth is that you did
nothing to earn it; rather it was a gift from Allah's infinite mercy.
Also do not forget your safety. So many people in this world live in
unsafe conditions; in war, poverty,starvation, refugee camps,
political imprisonment, andother forms of extreme hardship. Just to
wake up in your bed in the morning and know that your life is not in
immediate danger isa great blessing.
Keep counting…
Allah says:
"[...] and if you should count the favors of Allah, you could not
enumeratethem," (14:34).

:-> :->

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